2008.1 Detailed Specifications

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Detailed specifications for Mandriva 2008.1.


[edit] Base System

[edit] General

Suggestion Author Bugzilla Status Who will do Priority / # days
Research some sort of read&write filesystem compression and make it available if possible. It would be good for products like Flash.

  • e2compr implements the +c file attribute, has patches for new 2.6 kernels --spuk * puppy linux seem to have done something about this --spuk
Herton herton low
Take a more in depth look in drm (direct rendering manager) development, would be good to test and if all is ok bring in some of the missing drm pieces (nouveau comes to mind). Herton
Test more unionfs and try to fix/report the bugs, also try/test aufs, and may be add squashfs-lzma support to kernel. Herton kernel team high
Improve DKMS management Blino Blino , secteam high / 2
switch to gcc 4.3 Pixel postponed to post 2008.1 Pixel normal / 7
use upstream udev rules, clean Mandriva rules Blino Blino high / 2
migrate (and merge?) sound and alsa services in udev rules Blino Blino/TV normal
use upstream helpers for persistent rules (net + block), port useful features from our scripts in these helpers and send upstream Blino Blino normal / 2
Switch to maintained sysklogd alternative by default (either syslog-ng or rsyslog) Guillaume Rousse rsyslog seems the solution for now - to be checked with other distributions. Must be decided in coming days G. Rousse, Blino high

Support for fingerprint authentication. Maybe the fprint project could be integrated into next Mandriva. valz


needs to be evaluated Anne low
Replace bootsplash Various 40% - in progress, working on splashy to be reevaluated as lots of bugs appear in use Blino normal
Implement hybrid suspend mode 10% - a template for this mode has been added to pm-utils. It is currently non-functional. normal
Publish virtualized images of beta and final releases for testing Anne high

[edit] Virtualisation

Suggestion Author Bugzilla Status Who will do Priority / # days
virtinst support (drakvirt is a waste of time IMHO, when compared with virt-manager) Guillaume Rousse low
Add support for QEMU (+kqemu) beside actually supported Xen Jiri Hlinka low
Move Xen outside the kernel package Luiz Capitulino Assigned to: the kernel team, Guillaume Rousse and Thomas Backlund. Status: 90% - Xen is dropped from the kernel package. External packages are updated, pending completion of testing and bug fixes. kernel team, G. Rousse normal

[edit] Xorg

Suggestion Author Bugzilla Status Who will do Priority / # days
Mandriva 2008.1 could support multiple terminals (keyboard+mouse+monitor) attached to a single machine. Potential academic partnership with UFPR.

Features to be implemented: * Working out-of the box (no patches or external tools required) * Sound support * USB-storage support * Configuration tool

Ademar Ademar normal
Xorg 7.3 pcpa normal
Input-hotplug should work out of the box, but to support all of its features, we would need to spend time on research and experiments, since several parts of its architecture are still undefined and there's a lot of interaction between the xserver and the desktop environment. pcpa normal
Fix less-used (less-famous) drivers which are seriously broken pcpa normal

Fontconfig: enable full hinting/subpixel smoothing by default, as most users today use LCD monitors (where this looks much better), and even on CRT monitors it looks very good with todays freetype Frederik Himpe pcpa normal
Update metapackages pcpa normal

[edit] Hardware support

Suggestion Author Bugzilla Status Who will do Priority / # days
ACPI: Create a script (if it does not yet exist) which is run when switching to battery power to consume less energy. In the script, execute things proposed on http://www.lesswatts.org (disable wake on lan, cpu scheduler tweaks, laptop mode...) Frederik Himpe Partly


to be evaluated
CPUFREQ: activate the ondemand governer by default in the cpufreq packages, even on desktops to consume power Frederik Himpe to be evaluated
SUSPEND TO RAM: Disable suspend-to-ram when it's not supported ( for example suspend to ram does not work if ati framebuffer is actived) ,we should use the result of s2ram -n for that which mean installation of suspend-s2ram by default) Balcaen John


to be evaluated
automatic bios update, through dell firmware-tools support Guillaume Rousse tests on the way as we have to check stability of it
Switch to sane backends cvs version for better scanner support, like Debian has done (http://packages.debian.org/source/sid/sane-backends) Frederik Himpe mrl high
Install Athcool for AMD Athlon/Duron processors. Cools down the CPU and saves energy. Grmblmbl We used to install it automatically but it froze on some machines => NACK (Thierry)

[edit] Boot

Suggestion Author Bugzilla Status Who will do Priority / # days
Detect and preserve other distributions in bootloader configuration Frank Koester


Done Pixel high
Convert rpmsrate to XML format Pixel  ? postponed for 2009 low
Add a .exe file into Live CDs in order to launch install from Windows xavy94


See to launch install from Windows Pixel low

Possibility to read the release notes during the installation of packages Frederik Himpe

#34576 #32617

Pixel normal
Support more than 15 partitions when using libata (http://kerneltrap.org/Linux/Supporting_bMore_Partitions) Frederik Himpe


Pixel normal
Automatic partitioning always uses classic partitions. There should be an option (for example a checkbox in the window that pops up when using Diskdrake in Advanced mode) to use LVM. Frederik Himpe low
Fix stage1 to set host name Guillaume Rousse


Pixel normal
Fix stage1 to set correctly detect wired interface Guillaume Rousse


Pixel, Blino normal
Set possibility to chose the kernel-laptop by a simple question ("is it a desktop or a latop ?"). This would install latop's config tools automatically Frédéric Cuif (Fredxx) Nack (tv) : we'd better fix the laptop detection code kernel team high

Being able to add external media or an external set of media at install time Olivier Thauvin Pixel normal
Being able to select/unselect media coming with the distribution, to allow for example to not install more than 32bits packages, or to exclude non-free/contrib, or to add backports, especially during network install Olivier Thauvin Pixel normal

[edit] Packages Management

[edit] RPM/URPMI

Suggestion Author Bugzilla Status Who will do Priority / # days
switch to rpm pixel Done pixel high
Research, fix and adopt lzma compression on packages by default. Not due to compression ratio, but due to decompression timing. It will be nice to see reviews telling that we are the fastest distro to install.

How can it be faster than gzip ? (tv)
mrl Done in rpm. Not by default but used per package via %_binary_payload (eg: openoffice) Per Øyvind
either have a https://mandriva.com/distrib/2008.0/i586 generic url that dynamically redirect to a mirror (but this is costly on mandriva server) or introduce a new urpmi URI like mirror://2008.0/i586 that is handled by urpmi + geo-ip - provide for 2008.1 geoip implementation to get mirrors list

pixel high pixel 3
enhance removable:// to handle cdrom not in fstab (cf bug #34569): do not eject and mount cdrom but wait for it to be mounted by a volume manager or ask HAL, through D-Bus to mount / unmount / eject CD/DVD when they are inserted pixel pixel high / 2
packageKit backend to be applied for mdkonline Tv high
Offline repositories list to be only updated first time when system get online and did and update -a mrl Done in urpmi 5.5: updated on first urpmi Pixel
we should be able to install only one of myspell-pt_BR,myspell-pt_PT instead of both. for this:* packages should require locales-xx_YY instead of simply locales-xx * we should split locales-xx into many pkgs, but the current provides locales-xx_YY,locales-xx_ZZ should be enough * perl-URPM/urpmi must be modified to make things work as wanted (should be easy) * installation of l10n packages should be transparent to the end-user: he should not have to specify it in order to get it installed. Eg: urpmi moBugzilla-firefox and it pulls up moBugzilla-firefox-<locale> correctly. --mrl * provide a packaging rule for l10n packages: <foo>-i18n-<locale>, <bar>-<locale>, <geez>-l10n-<locale>.. urpmi won't be able to handle this mess alone. mrl #34877
Add software repositories via weblink

How about something like the One Click install in OpenSuSE and their software portal software.opensuse.org/search for Mandriva?

Javier Martínez Villacampa


 ? low
A 'noclean' global option on urpmi.cfg (exists --noclean option if you use urpmi from console but there is no way to use it if you use graphical gui like mdk_applet or rpmdrake). There are many people with more than one computer with same version of Mandriva installed with more or less the same programs and when there are updates, they download them twice or more: why not add an option to urpmi.cfg (with the proper graphical way to configure it on rpmdrake, as I stated above) that permit globaly that packages won't be erased after a correct installation? This way banwidth from Mandriva repos will be saved too. Th3n3k


Make URPMI able to be used without internet connection: add a way to configure repos without a need to inet connection (downloading from another computer a rpm package wich contains hdlists and all needed info, for example) and a way to handle dependencies offline (something like apt-zip on debian systems: a way that urpmi tells you the URL for all the needed packages. You'll download those URL on a connected PC and then you'll bring to the non-connected one) Th3n3k


Make urpmi download next packages in the background while upgrading package to speed up process Per Øyvind Karlsen  ?
Get rid of file dependencies pixel high
Implement generation of metalinks based on geoip data at api.mandriva.com so users don't have to worry about selecting mirrors. Using aria2 as client for metalinks will also add support for segmented downloading so that users can get higher speeds if their bw is bigger than what mirrors might provide. This should also help avoid problems when a mirror is not up to date, other mirrors will be tried as well -

aria2 should be planned for 2009 for having reasonnable planning

Per Øyvind Karlsen


legacy non-standard behaviour patches removal (documentation conflict patch, localstatedir redifinition, ...) Guillaume Rousse
various rpm macros and helper inventory and cleanup Guillaume Rousse
reasonable backport policy definition Guillaume Rousse
Recompile server applications with buffer overflow protection Status: 90% - mostly completed. Andreas and Oden normal
Servers should not be started by default Status: 75% - in progress. Andreas and Oden normal

[edit] rpmdrake

Suggestion Author Bugzilla Status Who will do Priority / # days
Make it simpler to add Mandriva CD/DVD as installation source Vedran Ljubovic


 ? Titi normal
Add *real* support for Suggests in rpmdrake: * Display a list of suggested packages (package name + summary) with checkboxes

#34919 #29155

to be precised low

rpmdrake-find-leaves Christophe Gaubert


 ? Titi normal
Mirrors should be selected by default, with just a question about installation of plf repos. xavy94 - So simplify mirrors adding similar to:


Titi normal
Re-Start download of RPM when internet connection has failed xavy94
Show total size of packages in "Additional packages required" dialog Divius normal
If possible, show KDE3.5 and KDE4 in separate categories in rpmdrake. mrdrewed
Put task- packages to better use so they're more visible and actually gets used by regular users. RPMDrake could have it's own section with 'wizards' using the task meta packages. Per Øyvind Karlsen normal
allow rpmdrake to install packages and dependencies and store all in the disk creating a local mirror (or an unique package) killer1987


 ? ? ?
Easy way (graphical one) to allow choose/change between synthesis <-> full hdlists repos

Final proposal will be on demand information, providing description, content and changelog when asked to keep synthesis efficiency



 ? Titi, Pixel high
Tool for upgrade system to the latest version (exemple upgrade 2007 to 2008.1) xavy94

[edit] Desktop environment

[edit] Desktop

Suggestion Author Bugzilla Status Who will do Priority / # days
Create use cases for typical desktop usage - on the way already Enabling high
check if replacing esound with PulseAudio is ok

PluseAudio is planned to be defaut for both KDE and GNOME environment

KDE and GNOME team, C. Guthrie high
evaluate policykit in replacement of usermode

policykit first implementation for 2008.1, more global one instead of usermode in 2009

Let One offer a light WM for low memory cases DoK


Make a One for Xfce, at least, give the opportunity to install it from the free/powerpack dvd like it is the case for fluxbox or window maker Rémy Clouard


[edit] GNOME

Suggestion Author Bugzilla Status Who will do Priority / # days
merge fedora work on bluetooth in our GNOME fred crozat normal
Keep an eye on Brasero's development. If 0.7 is out and it is stable and functional enough after intensive testing, consider installing it as default in GNOME Frederik Himpe wait for 0.7 version Frederik Himpe normal
Build the Epiphany 2.2[12] package with Webkit support, and make it possible to install it together with Epiphany-gecko, and let the default version be selectable with alternatives, like is done in the Totem package Frederik Himpe Pascal Terjan normal
Create a gnome-burning-tools metapackage fcrozat normal

[edit] KDE

Suggestion Author Bugzilla Status Who will do Priority / # days
Implement missing features in krandr (both for KDE3 and KDE4) - this includes doing bugfixing as I (boiko) got many bugs for krandr in both mandriva and kde bugBugzilla. Boiko high
Finish the identity support in kopete (as my todo has more than 15 itens yet to be done) Boiko normal
Refactoring many parts of kopete code (mainly in the interface level) Boiko normal
UI polishing in Kopete: there are many bloat and very unclear interfaces in kopete that I would like to clean up. Boiko normal
Menu: SuSE kickoff vs raptor (check the state of all of this). kde team normal
Add media storage applet as default on kicker AND desktop. Despite marketing desires, this feature is always requested to put it back. KDE team high

Qt 4.4 - Qt 4 as default environment for build applications. allow users to start applications only with new Qt KDE team high
Move all bindings of qt 3 for contrib. Make Qt 4 bindings main Helio normal
implement inlining in XDG menu implementation in KDE 3 and 4 KDE team normal
work on design integration (ex: konqueror default pages) KDE team, Anne high
Make the kickoff button able to be resized without becoming enormous like what OpenSuSE does. With a small panel the kickoff button looks fine but when it's larger the button looks HUGE. Chris Desjardins to be evaluated KDE team normal
Also I'd like to see katapult and kgtk ( [1] )added Chris Desjardins


DONE neoclust normal
Continue with KDE 3.5 series as default and have KDE 4 available for early adopters. KDE team high

Use KDEPim 3.5 Enterprise branch like Kubuntu, OpenSUSE and Fedora are doing already Frederik Himpe on the way KDE team high
.jpg, .bmp, .png files... should be opened by default with a picture viewer (showfoto? gwenview?), instead of gimp. xavy94 DONE Boiko / neoclust high
When a picture is opened, all the directory pictures should be also opened in kind of diaporama (such as in windows) xavy94 Boiko / neoclust high

Show program generic names in KDE program menu in addition to program names Frederik Himpe


rather work on tooltips to help people using menu + more cleaning on default apps KDE team high
Hide some of the individual kdepim applications in the program menus if the Kontact shell is installed in order to make the Internet and Office menus become shorter Frederik Himpe


Autoconfigure kde to use the correct keyboard layout to enable multimedia keys if possible (for example use the Acer Laptop layout with an Acer Laptop) Balcaen John


evaluate a better solution KDE team normal

Add kdegames on the One CD Chris Desjardins too big for now for One CD WONTFIX

Improve mime-type associations for KDE applications Helio high
Improved crash dialog in KDE Helio high
Add support for RandR 1.2 60% - It is still undergoing improvement and refinement. Boiko high

[edit] Desktop

[edit] Print and Scan

Suggestion Author Bugzilla Status Who will do Priority / # days
CUPS v1.3.x mrl done mrl high
Refactorize printerdrake/scannerdrake code mrl postponed to 2009.0 mrl high
Check and improve when possible scanning-related packages mrl Sane was upgraded to a cvs version and then finally to the new stable, 1.0.19. Also, iscan files were moved to a dedicated package, allowing the user to install vendor-supplied packages (with proprietary stuff).

I consider this as an achieved objective for 2008.1.

mrl high
Make sure scanning is work with at least sane, OOo and gimp mrl For the scanners I can test, 2 HP ones, they all are working perfectly. mrl high
Check fax support on MFD (Multi-Functional Devices) mrl Tested with a HP Officejet 4355 and it is working perfectly: sending and receiving faxes. mrl high
Make ppd/foomatic files near transparent to the end-user mrl Still can be improved. mrl high
Minimal footprint for no-printer configurations Status: 70% - Done for 2008.0, but can still be improved. mrl high
Review default configuration: allow browse local subnet, allow only localhost for /admin mrl mrl high
Compile XSANE that Color managementtab is visible D. McABR

[edit] Office tools

Suggestion Author Bugzilla Status Who will do Priority / # days
Splitted package based on office applications (writer, calc, ...) needs mrl done mrl high
Move dicts/thes/hyphen to myspell & cia packages mrl done mrl high
Enhance clipart integration mrl done mrl high
Make sure digital signing is working properly mrl done for HP Officejet 4355 and HP Scanjet 2200c mrl high
Work closely with ooo-build folks mrl Done. All our fixes were submitted upstream. mrl high
Research and work on kde quickstarter mrl mrl high
Minimize OpenOffice.org footprint done mrl high
Use background preloading for OpenOffice.org mrl Status: 0% - not started. mrl high

[edit] Internet Tools

Suggestion Author Bugzilla Status Who will do Priority / # days
Enhance desktop integration by certifying mime-types database mrl mrl high
Enhance desktop integration by certifying multimedia contents mrl mrl high
Restore the plugin installation/Mandriva packages (web page) mrl Postponed for 2009.0 mrl high
Make lightning extension a bit more officially supported mrl done, as we fixed it for x86_64 arch. mrl high
Focus on foxmarks plugin mrl mrl high
Fine tune of FF and TB options (memory and network) mrl mrl high
Improve mime-type handling Adam Williamson mrl high
Improve Firefox GNOME / KDE themes 80% - done for cooker, still have to integrate via moz-icon:// mrl high
Enhance Firefox configuration defaults mrl high
Enhance Thunderbird configuration defaults mrl high

[edit] Focused Softwares

Suggestion Author Bugzilla Status Who will do Priority / # days
Add more programming languages and scientific applications to distribution. Two example languages are pike http://pike.ida.liu.se/ and nickle http://www.nickle.org/ (I have been looking at the sources of those lately, but there are a lot of other programming languages around, some that are very specifialized, usually on math, physics, text processing, etc). A collection of information about scientific applications can be found at http://sal.jyu.fi/index.shtml Paulo Andrade
To add to that if you could update R at www.r-project.org and rkward at http://rkward.sourceforge.net/
Install IcedTea Java with the browser plug-in by default in the Free editions and AMD64 Frederik Himpe
Fix all Tetex/Texlive migration bugs and make Texlive the default Frederik Himpe

#35991 and others

Clean up the different LTSP solutions in Mandriva (draktermserv, mille xterm,...), choose one main default one, and make sure it works well and is documented Frederik Himpe
Add Java development such as NetBeans and JDK Jan Pihlgren
Add VMware Server with VMware Tools, booth preconfigured for the kernel Jan Pihlgren Needs specific agreement with Vmware
Replace rfbdrake by krdc (kde) or vinagre and grdesktop (GNOME), which have much nicer GUIs and don't depend on the tightvnc binary Frederik Himpe
Clean shorewall messages when a service is started  ?  ? Assigned to Olivier Blin 0% done

[edit] Theming

Suggestion Author Bugzilla Status Who will do Priority / # days
Rewrite theme package for a more suitable dir only for images based on svg files Helio needs to check svg support in KDE Helio normal
create a user selector in KDM/GDM Mandriva graphical theme ... fcrozat screenshots on http://people.mandriva.com/~fcrozat/f8/ some interesting ideas on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/GdmFaceBrowser fcrozat


create a background slideshow (supported in GNOME), based on system hour fcrozat fcrozat


decide if we switch GNOME and KDE to Tango icon theme (or if we create our own icon theme) fcrozat decision to be postponed for 2009 later
think about desktop widgets Boiko, neoclust normal
make tooltips on menus both in KDE and GNOME (waiting for Boiko evaluation) Boiko high
port Ia Ora for KDE4 / QT4 KDE team high

[edit] Mandriva Tools

[edit] Installer

Suggestion Author Bugzilla Status Who will do Priority / # days
reuse Flash's win32-loader to start installation from Windows Blino Blino normal
Update auto install documentation. Current one is available only in the mdk 9.2 times and is kept external Helio normal

[edit] General

Suggestion Author Bugzilla Status Who will do Priority / # days
Review general interfaces and action button that are not using same positions depending on the tool Anne Draktools team, Anne high
Use action verbs instead of [Yes/No] in dialogs buttons in all the Mandriva tools Luis Menina



[edit] Servers wizards

Suggestion Author Bugzilla Status Who will do Priority / # days
Currently, there are no possibilities to disable a VPN configuration, the procfix server or a SAMBA server created with drakconf. Add the possibility to remove/disable each created server/vpn-configuration with drakconf Daniel Beck will be included in global cleaning on server wizards Antoine Ginies normal

[edit] drak3D

Suggestion Author Bugzilla Status Who will do Priority / # days
Allow to drak3d to set emerald as default window decorator when compiz fusion is enabled killer1987


Blino low

[edit] Drakmsync

Suggestion Author Bugzilla Status Who will do Priority / # days
Add a synchronization tool for PDAs, mobile phones (maybe with helping kmobiletools/gammu/OpenSync/Conduit...projects) xavy94 ? tool will be removed as existing one are much more advanced WONTFIX

[edit] drakkeyboard

Suggestion Author Bugzilla Status Who will do Priority / # days
Add a tool to configure multimedia keys, not relying only on keyboard definitions, but asking users to press keys and define XF86 symbols for them valz

#34926 Comment #6

Will rather use hal to manage automatic configuration normal

[edit] XFdrake

Suggestion Author Bugzilla Status Who will do Priority / # days
Add NVIDIA and ATI configurators' features to XFdrake the upstream configuration tools have been added to the Mandriva driver packages. DONE

Add an option to screen configuration tool to easily configure multiple monitors. For example which one is primary one and which one is secondary one, which one is on the left, which mode to use (clone, extend desktop, ...)... Jure Repinc


waiting for evolutions upstream that could change way of managing it later

[edit] drakbackup

Suggestion Author Bugzilla Status Who will do Priority / # days
implement a Time Machine like feature (see http://code.google.com/p/flyback/ for a working implementation with rsync and gnome-python) Fred Crozat Look at existing projects, move drakbackup to contrib Titi, Fred high
Consider USB storage devices a target for backups in drakbackup Frédéric Cuif Titi normal

[edit] Parental Control

Suggestion Author Bugzilla Status Who will do Priority / # days
provide draktool for parental control Anne Blino, Anne high

[edit] draksound

Suggestion Author Bugzilla Status Who will do Priority / # days
Enable USB sound devices again, but configure them as a second audio device if other sound devices are available. Create an option in draksound to change the default audio device.
  • (coling) PulseAudio should solve this problem.
Frederik Himpe

#8004 and others

The system should enable automatically digital sound by optical output when aviable on motherboard and plugged (like windows. alsa supports digital sound) Fredxx
Draksound sould be extended to be able to configure easily multichannel decoding by digital output (1 button, with passthrough in apps), and given a test button to test microphone input, and multichannel decoding output. Fredxx

[edit] Diskdrake

Suggestion Author Bugzilla Status Who will do Priority / # days
Support creation of LUKS encrypted partitions ,switch from cryptoloop to dm-crypt Frederik Himpe


Pixel high / 2
Add fuse + ntfs-3g packages in One editions Sam Bailey


Blino high

Allow "right click -> formating" (with options, like kfloppy) on the desktop icons for external drives pluged (usb keys and drives) Frédéric Cuif (Fredxx) to be evaluated low
Use GPT disk label instead of MBR if both are available Jerome H
Simplify user's rights configuration. By default a user should be able to acces vfat partitions without any need to chage a line of the /etc/fstab file (for all drives, internal or external) Frédéric Cuif (Fredxx)

[edit] Network Tools

Suggestion Author Bugzilla Status Who will do Priority / # days
fix drakx-net bugs Blino high / 7
WPA2 / WPA-Enterprise / WPA2-Enterprise not supported in Mandriva (wireless connectivity options) Sam Bailey (for others) #34714,


 ? Blino high / 3
improve draknet: remove/create network interfaces, show if they are protected by firewall, handle ppp connections killer1987

#35612 #36622 #35623

Blino normal
give the possibility to add some wireless networks as "favorites" with an ordered list so that the computer automatically connects to them when it is in the area, for instance, by remembering the mac address of those spots Rémy Clouard low
Reduce mdkonline memory consumption. Luis Menina #31860
Reduce net_applet memory consumption. Luis Menina #31859
Enable the wifi led on laptop when using ipw2200 by default Balcaen John


Blino normal
Improve power saving with ipw2100/2200 Reinout van Schouwen

#34623, #29388

Try to make it possible to use "cellphone modem" connected through USB for the internet, such as 'Huawei E220 USB modem' Jan Pihlgren
replace netprofile by a maintained alternative Guillaume Rousse to be evaluated normal
Make ndiswrapper selection work again with modalias / coldplugging (blacklist native module) Adam Williamson Blino high
Implement notification (via dbus) in net_applet Frederik Himpe Started Blino high

[edit] Tansfugdrake

Suggestion Author Bugzilla Status Who will do Priority / # days
add symbolic links functionnality to share Documents and Settings Anne blino high / 1
add link to Microsoft fonts export Anne blino high / 0,5
add mails migration Anne blino, Andreas high
execute transfugdrake in firsttime? Anne tv

[edit] Games

Suggestion Author Bugzilla Status Who will do Priority / # days
Check all top games at icculus.org are packaged will be checked Status: 0% - not started. normal
Check all games on this blog post about Ubuntu games are packaged - Ultrastar NG and FretOnFire (at least) are missing yoho Will be checked Status: 0% - not started. normal
Improve Wiimote support Need more information

[edit] Security

Suggestion Author Bugzilla Status Who will do Priority / # days
include more default profiles for AppArmor, start AppArmor by default Goal is to clean msec tool and include AppArmor as security tool by default V. Danen, Andreas high

GUI to configure AppArmor profiles and AppArmor itself Will be included in draksec tool V. Danen, Andreas high

[edit] Servers

Suggestion Author Bugzilla Status Who will do Priority / # days
cleanup duplicate and unused server packages from main andreas andreas, oden normal
depending on schedule, package some Samba 4 preview/alpha/beta andreas andreas normal
switch to OpenLDAP 2.4, which was just released andreas andreas normal
use openldap-mandriva-dit by default, perhaps integrated in some wizard to setup ldap andreas andreas normal
incorporate MIT Kerberos 1.6.x LDAP schema in openldap-mandriva-dit andreas andreas normal
really use the openldap-extra-schemas package (it's conflicting today) andreas andreas normal
use the cn=config backend andreas andreas normal
test and document the multimaster support andreas andreas normal

[edit] One

Suggestion Author Bugzilla Status Who will do Priority / # days
allow to select packages and langs to be installed during live install
use readahead + loopback ordering to speed up boot ("reloaded" spec), maybe use a kernel module to log file access order (code is already written) blino 5
use squashfs + lzma (requires a special squashfs kernel module), it allows live CDs to be about 100 MB smaller blino 2
After installing Mandriva One, have a window pop up asking the user to install kernel-desktop if he has more than 1 GB of RAM Ahmad Yasser low

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