From Mandriva Community Wiki
Mandriva Linux Development (Cooker)
Mandriva Linux development encompasses many things. Available is a variety of documentation and information that has been organized as well as possible.
Contents |
[edit] What is Cooker?
- Cooker is a distribution - a cutting edge distribution of GNU/Linux sponsored by Mandriva.
- Cooker is a place - where the current development package tree is kept. Have you ever heard someone say "it's in the Cooker"?
- Cooker is a process - whereby the distribution is cooked until it's ready for release.
- Cooker is a person - an individual that contributes is a Cooker.
- Cooker is a Community - of dedicated people Cooking the next stable release of Mandriva Linux.
For more in-depth information, see this Mandriva Cooker participation how-to.
[edit] Other Information
- Who's Who - a directory of famous Cookers.
- Mandriva Linux FAQ - frequently asked questions about Mandriva Cooker
- How-tos - your gateway to a collection of how-tos.
- How to Participate in the Mandriva Cooker Project - a document containing the essential information that a Mandriva Linux user interested in participating in the beta testing process of the next Mandriva Linux release should know, in order to make the experience fun and exciting.
- Mandriva RPM Howto - wondering how to package your favorite application so that it integrates well with Mandriva Linux? Here's everything you need to know.
- Development/Ports - information on the different machine architectures that Mandriva Linux has been built for.
- Mandriva Club - the subscription service that goes beyond the basic distribution (bought or downloaded).
[edit] Policies
- The Mandriva Policies outline all of the policies related to Mandriva Linux (development, post-release support, etc.)
[edit] HOWTOs and FAQs
[edit] Packaging and Development
- Various articles dealing with packaging
- Mandriva Build System
- Repository System
- Kernel
- Mandriva Linux Ports (alternate architectures)
- Requested Features and Wishlists
- Various tasks associated with development
- Ideas and Brainstorming
- Distribution tools for QA etc. like EDOS..
[edit] Reference Pages
- Development documentation that doesn't really fit elsewhere
- Contributor Credits for Mandriva Releases
- Mandriva Linux Cooker Mirrors
- Mandriva Linux Cooker Mailing Lists
- Index page of technical notes
- Mandriva Linux Cooker Weekly News
- Category listing of all developer-related documentation
- Category listing of all HOWTOs
Note that tools have their own top-level tree (Tools) and should be used for both development and end-user information (to prevent duplication of multiple topics).