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Mandriva Linux Distribution

History and background surrounding Mandriva Linux and its development process.



What is Cooker?

  • Cooker is a distribution - a cutting edge distribution of GNU/Linux sponsored by Mandriva.
  • Cooker is a place - where the current development package tree is kept. Have you ever heard someone say "it's in the Cooker"?
  • Cooker is a process - whereby the distribution is cooked until it's ready for release.
  • Cooker is a person - an individual that contributes is a Cooker.
  • Cooker is a Community - of dedicated people Cooking the next stable release of Mandriva Linux.

For more in-depth information, see this Mandriva Cooker participation how-to.




Mandriva Linux FAQ




How To Participate in the Mandriva Cooker Project

  • Development/Howto/Participate is a document containing the essential information that a Mandriva Linux user interested in participating in the beta testing process of the next Mandriva Linux release should know, in order to make the experience fun and exciting.

Mandriva RPM HOWTO

  • Wondering how to package your favorite application so that it integrates well with Mandriva Linux? Here's everything you need to know in the RPM Howto.


  • Development/Ports: Information on the different machine architectures that Mandriva Linux has been built for.

Mandriva Web

  • Web: Information about Mandriva web site(s) and related services, APIs, etc.




Mandriva France is located at:

43, rue d'Aboukir
75002 Paris

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