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Forking the cvs for fun and profit and productivity while being offline

A quick explanation on how you can use svk and cvs to commit on the main cvs without having access to the server.



NOTE: This is a work in progress.


Packages to install

In order to use svk with cvs integration, you need to install svk, perl-VCP-Dest-svk, and perl-VCP. You can use urpmi with a up to date cooker system.


Quick introduction

# of course, replace the login with your own, or by cvs if you do not have access. 
# the '...' are needed, and should be typed as they are.
svk mirror //fromcvs/mandriva/soft/rpmlint/

# this may ( will ) take a long time
svk sync -a

# this create a local branch you can modify, you need to copy the original source tree
svk mkdir //local/
svk copy -p //fromcvs/mandriva/soft/rpmlint/ //local/mandriva/soft/rpmlint/

# the ~/svk directory should not be moved, use svk checkout -d to remove it.
# however, you can choose the name of your choice.
mkdir ~/svk/
cd ~/svk
svk checkout //local/mandriva/soft/rpmlint/

# optional, but highly recommended
echo "enjoy"

Now, you can work on ~/svk/, and commit with svk commit, with almost the same option than subversion.


Working and keeping a different branch

When you want to refresh the source code you mirrored, just use svk pull.

You can then use svk merge to apply the modification between the new sourcecode and the old snapshot ( if possible ).


Some links

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