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Howto become an official Mandriva mirror

Procedure to be inserted into the official Mandriva Mirrors list


If you have a large internet connection (10 MBit or more) and available disk space (200 GB or more), you can become an official Mandriva Mirror.


Space needed

The whole Mandriva repository weights about 400 GB, distributed between the development branch (/devel), the official branch (/official) and the old branch (/old). See MirrorStructure for more information.

  • 175 GB /devel
  • 150 GB /official
  • 50 GB /old

Of course you can choose to only mirror part of the structure. Preferably, mirror /official and /devel.


Rsync command

The following command will help you set up an initial full mirror.

rsync -auvH --partial --delete --exclude '.*' your-tree/MandrivaLinux


Mailing list

You are encouraged to subscribe to the 'mirror-list at' mailing list. To subscribe to this list, send a 'subscribe' command to sympa at

Once your mirror is set up, please send a mail to this mailing list to be included in the official Mandriva mirrors list.

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