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Packaging Tools



Build programs



This is a set of build tools commonly used in software. Further details at Autotools.



This is an application that can help you to generate a generic spec file from a .tar.gz source. There is an official Mandriva Linux patch available. Although it generates good specs, it is recommended that you re-check them before uploading, as after all, the spec is generated automatically.



This is the Mandriva official automated mass builder. Weekly build logs of the main repository of Cooker are located at



This program allows you to easily build a new version of your rpm. Further details on rpmbuildupdate.



This is a small python software easing the development of a patch on a source directory. Further details on soft homepage.



This is a small wrapper around rpmbuild to easily build RPMs from spec files. It will create ~/.rpmmacros and ~/.rpmrc if not present, detects mdk/mdv, plf and jpp specs and sets vendor accordingly, and most importantly it does not require you to put spec files and sources in separate directories but allows you to keep one directory per project with spec and sources together. The built RPM files will be put into ./RPMS within the current directory, putting all results into ./RPMS. You no longer need to copy stuff around, you can simply keep the spec, patches and tarballs in one directory.


Checks programs

The results of many of those programs can be found at Packaging Reports.



This is a package checking program. Further details at rpmlint.



This is a distribution checking program. It is old and unmaintained, and its functionalities are currently incorporated in rpmcheck.



This is the Youri project's QA checking tool. Further details at the project homepage.



This is a program generating statistics about installed packages, helping you locate packages used very often, and packages used rarely.


Upload programs



This is the tool used at Mandriva to manage packages in the repository. Further details at rpmctl.


ISO Generation Programs



This is a tool to generate a set of ISOs from a cooker repository. Further details at mkcd.



This is a tool to generate a "Live" distribution according to a configuration file, intended to replace the mkcd tool. Further details at draklive.



Personal tools