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Versioning Policy

This page describes policy related to management of versioning information for Mandriva Linux packages.


New versionning policy

Starting with the 2007.0, the release tag policy is not similar in every version, formed with mdv<version>, for example mdv2007.0.

Previously, and up to the Mandriva 2006.0, in order to allow a smooth upgrade for the next version, the release tag schema had to be modified. For new releases, it must be X.Y.ZZZmdk, and for new versions, it must be Y.ZZZmdk, with:

  • X the original release number
  • Y a new release number, starting from 1
  • ZZZ the target mdk version

How to

You may need to adapt your spec files to be compliant with the new release tag policy starting with Mandriva 2007.0 and, the old one, which stopped with Mandriva 2006.0.

For rebuilding bugfixes/new versions from cooker, using %mkrel ensures these rules are complied with without any changes to the spec file.

The release tag in cooker is now including the target version, which means that during the 2007.0 development period, the releaset tag will be mdv2007.0, the recommanded way is to use the rpm %mkrel macro inside the spec files.


See also

Full discussion: Policies/Release_Tag

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