From Mandriva
Many packages in Mandriva support rebuilding on older releases of the distribution. Some may even support being rebuilt on other distributions (with some compatability macros). This page covers some of the issues that arise when doing so.
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Place holder
This page is currently a placeholder for a guide on back/cross-porting Mandriva RPMs to older releases or other semi-compatible distributions.
Acceptance of packages in the "backports" sub-media of "main" and "contrib" media is described in the software media page.
Uploading in backports media
From a package not hosted in the SVN build system
$ mdv-youri-submit --define section=[main|contrib]/backports 2007.0 <package>.src.rpm
From a package in cooker SVN build system
From original cooker package
To upload directly a package from its cooker version to 2007.0 without any changes:
$ repsys submit -t 2007.0 --define section=[main|contrib]/backports <package> <rev>
This way is useful when the cooker package directly builds on the backport target, and does not require any modification for the backport target.
From a new branch
If the backported package can not be made directly from its cooker version, or if it needs a different development branch, a specific branch can be created in the backport target SVN.
- if the package is not already in SVN for the backport target, a new module has to be created on SVN: repsys create svn+ssh://<package>
- create backport branch: svn mkdir -m "prepare <package> branches" svn+ssh://<package>/branches/
- copy the cooker SVN module to a "backports" branch: svn cp -m "copy cooker <package> to 2007.0 backports" svn+ssh://<package> svn+ssh://<package>/branches/backports
- make some modification for the backport target
- upload in the "backports" medium: repsys submit -t 2007.0 --define section=[main|contrib]/backports svn+ssh://<package>/branches/backports <rev>
- macros.mdk4rh: Compatability macros for RedHat/Fedora