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Mandriva Kiosk Testing

Mandriva Kiosk Lite is open for testing




Mandriva Kiosk Lite is open for testing. All Silver and above Mandriva Club members are invited to participate.

If you wish to help us test Mandriva Kiosk Lite, please read the following instructions that will inform you on the procedures.



First of all, a brief introduction on Mandriva Kiosk and Mandriva Kiosk Lite:

Mandriva Kiosk is a web-based one-click software installation Service.

Designed to be the easiest way to expand a Mandriva Linux distribution, it provides fully-functional software bundles that users can browse, choose and install from the Web. Bundles are in fact a selection of software packages, bundled and tested by the Mandriva team, that form a consistent application. Examples are KDE 3.5, Mozilla(tm) 1.5 Pack (with Firefox and Thunderbird), or Commercial Drivers and Plugins. Kiosk will be available to Club Members (silver and above), and as a subscription service. Commercial details are yet to be announced.

Mandriva Kiosk Lite is the first milestone on the road to Mandriva Kiosk v1.

Available to Mandriva Club Members (Silver and above), it'll offer the latest versions of popular software. We're hoping to launch the Lite service next tuesday, april 11, and incrementally implement new functionnalities until we reach v1 (no estimated date for now). New bundles are on the road, and we're open to suggestions.


How to test Mandriva Kiosk Lite



  • Internet connection (broadband is a plus)
  • Valid Silver, VIP or above Mandriva Club membership (ask warly|AT| if you need a valid account)
  • Mandriva Linux 2006 and/or Mandriva One
  • Latest version of URPMI, MDKONLINE, RPMDRAKE and GURPMI, available here:
  • Mozilla Firefox (versions 1.0.6 and above) or Konqueror (versions 3.4.2 and above) (Opera is not yet supported)


When ready with the above requirements, RUN this Bundles (Mandriva Kiosk) Test Procedure

  • Questions, Suggestions, Improvements, etc.: Mail to the contrib-club-en AT mailing-list. Subject field should be: [Kiosk Lite Tests] Subject of your email

That's about it.

Feeling up to it? Catch a mouse and start clicking!

Happy Mandriva Kiosk Team.

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