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Mandriva Linux 2007 Frige is the first alpha version for the Mandriva Linux 2007 Edition.
You can see the technical details at Changelog.
This Alpha is mainly available via two means. First via the public FTP and HTTP site mirroring the Mandriva Linux repository. Check the current development mirrors at Cooker Mirrors, the 2007 alpha tree is in /devel/2007.0/. Second, the preferred way, via the provided One CDs (installable live CDs). You will find these live CDs in the same mirrors as the cooker one, in the /devel/iso/2007.0/ section.
Known Issues
- In live mode the keyboard may no be correctly initialised to your language, type setxkbmap [your locale] to fix it.
- When you reboot or halt, the CD may not be correctly ejected.
- You may need to launch update-menus to have the menu items complete (we are in the middle of the migration to full XDG menus)
- Once installed, inserting any kind of media such as CDs or USB keys makes the following message pop-up: "Cannot mount volume"
- The menu invest-chart is not working on the GNOME x86_64 version
- python-gtk2 applications might fail to start at all
Mandriva Linux 2007 Alpha One CDs
This Alpha version comes in 4 differents live installable CDs, which includes various languages support. For space constraints, only some languages has been selected, you will find which languages is included in each version in the following description. However, once the live CD is installed, you have the possibility to add new languages if you configure an external Mandriva Linux 2007 urpmi source.
Including as many languages as possible is very important to help the linux use in every country, if you are interested in helping for your own language support, please consult Translation Tasks. We will do our best to find a way to create at least one version of Mandriva Linux product which includes support for your language.
Gnome Live CD for i586 processors (also works on x86_64 processors).
Languages: English, Español, Francais, Portugues do Brasil, Portugues, Deutsch, Polski, Italiano, Русский
Gnome Live CD for x86_64 processors.
Languages: English, Español, Francais, Portugues do Brasil, Portugues, Deutsch, Polski, Italiano, Русский
KDE Live CD for i586 processors (also works on x86_64 processors).
Languages: English, Español, Francais, Portugues do Brasil, Portugues, Deutsch, Polski,Italiano, Русский
KDE Live CD for x86_64 processors.
Languages: English, Español, Francais, Portugues do Brasil, Portugues, Deutsch, Polski, Italiano, Русский
Howto use these ISO images?
To test and use these ISO files, you need to choose one of them, download it and burn it on a 700 MB blank CD (or any bigger blank media, including blank DVD). You must configure your computer to boot on CD. Once booted, you can check that your hardware is correctly supported. If you want to install this product on your harddrive, you can use the 'Install' function available on the desktop.
Test wanted
You are encouraged to test and comments this beta release.
- Check that all your hardware is supported. Note that these ISO files only include free software, you may need to check with your hardware manufacturer for the appropriate drivers or firmwares (especially ATI and NVidia video cards, Intel centrino wireless ipw2100/2200 Wifi cards, Hsf modem...)
- Report any missing or unwanted software
Checking your download (asc files)
The files with the asc extensions are Mandriva GPG signed checksum files. These files help you to check that your download has been succesfully completed.
To check if the downloaded file is correct, you can either use the md5 file or the sha1 file, which are both different checksum method. In the directory where you have downloaded the file.iso, use the commandmd5sum -c file.md5.ascto check your file with the md5 checksum, or
sha1sum -c file.sha1.ascto check it with the sha1 checksum.
The asc extension, linked to the Mandriva official GPG signature, can also be verified. If you know that the ISO file you have downloaded has a correct sum, and that the checksum file is signed correctly with the Mandriva official GPG key, then odds are high that the ISO file you have is the real official one from Mandriva.
To check the GPG signature you must use the gpg program available in the gnupg package. You must first download the Mandriva Official GPG key, and then type in a terminalgpg --verify file.asc.