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Mandriva web start


Mandriva default web start page is available from http://start.mandriva.com/ .

Its goal is to:

  • allow the user to customize her default start page, with dynamic modules
  • present some of Mandriva offering and news
  • present some of Mandriva partners offering and news


These are small embedded javascripts (very much like gadgets and widgets all around). For now, these modules have to be hosted on the start server to run, but may call remote web services anyway.


Generic modules

  • RSS feed aggregator; a very simple one, shows only item titles and links within a dedicated box;
  • Flickr; a very basic one as well;
  • webcam;

Mandriva modules

  • services status; as it says; depending on the status, the service icon may be green (working), orange (some issues), red (not working), or a
  • Club;
  • (not available for now) Online; if the user is logged in the .mandriva.com domain, will show the user's registered hosts and their status;
  • (not available for now) User; if the user is logged in, will show the user account status;
  • Kiosk; shows the latest Kiosk additions


It is still not available because the code is not stable enough. Module dynamic addition is working, but for instance, the feed discovery and retrieval engine needs to be refined (still crashes on many feed sources).



The code is available on the svn.mandriva.com server, in /web/start/trunk. You may browse it online here: http://svn.mandriva.com/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/web/start/ .


Status and TODOs

  • search module refactoring; allows to use an alternative search engine, depending on the request;
  • calendar module
  • make the feed module stable enough to be available
  • save user preferences
  • user moduel

Wishes and ideas

Please add your suggestions, comments for the default web start page.

  • content based on geo location (country, language)

Discussion related to this project should happen on mdv-distro-tools. See the Development Mailinglists.

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