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Development Mailing Lists

Mailing lists associated with Mandriva Linux distributions.


[edit] Cooker

[edit] cooker ([email protected])

Generic discussions about the current Cooker distribution.

[edit] cooker-commits ([email protected])

Commit list for the cooker SVN repository.

[edit] cooker-amd64 ([email protected])

AMD64 development related discussions.

[edit] cooker-ppc ([email protected])

PPC development related discussions.

[edit] cooker-server ([email protected])

Server related discussions.

[edit] cooker-i18n ([email protected])

Internationalization and localization mailing list.

[edit] changelog ([email protected])

Changelogs of all the new packages uploaded into the Cooker distribution or community versions. Packages removals or moves are also notified. About 2000 mails per month.

[edit] cooker-urpm ([email protected])

urpmi/perl-URPM/rpmdrake related dicussions.

[edit] Other lists

[edit] bugs ([email protected])

Mandriva Linux Bugs mailing list. Splitted from the Cooker list. Contains mail notifications of all Bugzilla changes.

[edit] bugteam ([email protected])

Mandriva Linux Bug Squad mailing list. Discussions about bug maintenance issues. Mainly used by Bug Squad members, but open to the public.

[edit] kernel-discuss ([email protected])

Discussion about the Mandriva kernel. Open for users and developers.

[edit] mdv-distro-tools ([email protected])

Distribution related tools discussions.

  • Build system
  • Upload mechanism
  • CD creation tools (Mkcd or draklive)
  • Mirroring process
  • Rebuild bot (iurt)

[edit] web-discuss ([email protected])

Mandriva web sites, services and tools related discussions.

[edit] Restricted lists

[edit] maintainers ([email protected])

List for package maintainers only: discussion of packaging issues, package removal requests etc.

[edit] mirror-list

List for mirror maintainers only. Information about mirror changes, update, problems if you are running or want to run a Mandriva Linux mirror. To request a subscription, send an email to distrib-admin*AT*

[edit] Old lists

[edit] smart

Smart package manager development discussions.

The smart list has moved. It is now at [1]

[edit] How to Subscribe

To subscribe to one of the lists, just send a mail to the associated mailing list server (in parenthesis) with subject subscribe the_name_of_the_list (e.g. subscribe cooker-server) and nothing in the body.

[edit] How to Post

Simply send an email to the relevent list address. This will be provided to you when you send your subscription email as noted above.

Warning: You should avoid using mailing list names in the body of any message you post as this will confuse Sympa.

Words to Avoid:

  • Paris (e.g. the city)

[edit] How to Unsubscribe

To unsubscribe to one of the lists, just send a mail to the associated mailing list server (in parenthesis) with subject unsubscribe the_name_of_the_list (e.g. unsubscribe cooker-server) and nothing in the body. Please use the same email address as when initially subscribing.

[edit] Using web interface of Sympa

[edit] Archives





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