2008 critical
From Mandriva Community Wiki
- 32279 - Anne Nicolas - META BUG: Security issues that must be completed prior to 2008.0 release
33418 - Anne Nicolas - LinDVD is seeking for the wrong path for the library
- 33637 - Anne Nicolas - scilab 4.1 can't be installed on 2008 RC1 x86_64
31911 - Andreas - Security issue in ImageMagick (CVE-2007-1667, CVE-2007-1797)
30157 - Mandriva KDE team - [RC3] cdrom entries in fstab generate errors with KDE media manager
- 33975 - Mandriva kernel team - Kernel Panic on KDE One 2008 RC2
34007 - Mandriva kernel team - bcm43xx spams all messages to all virtual consoles
34005 - Olivier Blin - madwifi packages missing from 2008 RC2 One