
From Mandriva Community Wiki

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Mandriva Linux Community

Mandriva Linux enjoys a large and diverse community; not only do we have a large development community, but we have a large user community as well. This community exists beyond Mandriva-run resources such as websites, mailing lists, etc. and there are resources for Mandriva available for individuals from diffierent languages, different mailing lists for specific topics, user forums, wikis, and so forth.

This section of the wiki is for Community-related documents of interest, things like release parties, special events, links to community sites, and so forth.


[edit] Events

[edit] Past Events

[edit] How to participate

See our Frequently Asked Questions about organizing community activities around Mandriva and the Mandriva Linux OS

[edit] Keeping Up-to-date

A collection of feeds and web 2.0 gadgets to keep in touch with the Cooker community

[edit] External Resources

[edit] Community Links

Personal tools