Compiz Fusion
From Mandriva Community Wiki
[edit] Default Compiz Fusion settings
To meet every Mandriva user expectancies, the activated plugins have to be limited and should not interfere with a productive environment. On the other hand, some customization is needed to have compiz fusion well integrated into the default desktop environment.
In consequence, these plugins have been chosen to be activated by default :
- Desktop Cube
- Rotate Cube
- Fading windows
- Minimize effect
- Window decoration
- Wobbly windows
- Png
- Dbus
- Workarounds
- Application switcher
- Move window
- Place windows
- Resize window
- Scale
Optionally (have to be discussed) :
- Enable Expo
- Enable Cube reflection
- Disable Zoom desktop
Customizations :
- Scale plugin -> disable "Initiate window picker" by pointing top-right corner of the screen
- Change Expo keyboard shortcut to something else than Super+E because of a conflict with "launch konqueror" under KDE
- Desktop Cube -> Opacity during rotation = 50%
- Expo and Cube reflection : change color to #46559C
- Desktop cube -> Cube caps set to /usr/share/compositing-wm/mandriva-top.png