Development/Howto/Specfile Hacks

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Oden Eriksson's RPM Spec file hack reference/snippets library

This page serves as a copy and paste resource... (because I have a hard time remembering...). Small fixes that you can use to fix issues in rpm spec files.



[edit] rpmlint fixes

rpmlint has recently started to nag about CRLF files (Carriage Return + Line Feed). These are mostly files made using that OS from the evil empire. To fix this, you could do:

BuildRequires: file

# strip away annoying ^M
find . -type f|xargs file|grep 'CRLF'|cut -d: -f1|xargs perl -p -i -e 's/\r//'
find . -type f|xargs file|grep 'text'|cut -d: -f1|xargs perl -p -i -e 's/\r//'

(for some reason some ms files are not caught by the above, please tell me why...)

Other tools that also could be used are dos2unix, tr, sed, etc. I tried to use dos2unix for a while, but it totally trashed the mysql-query-browser-1.1.7 build...

Only time, trial and error will tell which method is the best..., I guess?

You may also get some warnings about included CVS/SVN files, and I usually fix that like this:

if [ -d ./CVS ]; then
    echo "Fixing strange attribs"
    find . -type d -perm 0700 -exec chmod 755 {} \;
    find . -type f -perm 0555 -exec chmod 755 {} \;
    find . -type f -perm 0444 -exec chmod 644 {} \;

for i in `find . -type d -name CVS`  `find . -type d -name .svn` `find . -type f -name .cvs\*` `find . -type f -name .#\*`; do
    if [ -e "$i" ]; then rm -rf $i; fi >&/dev/null

[edit] One liners

Extract all spec files from main and contrib:

cd /extract/directory/location
for i in /SRPMS/main/*.rpm; do rpm2cpio $i | cpio -mi \*.spec; done
for i in /SRPMS/contrib/*.rpm; do rpm2cpio $i | cpio -mi \*.spec; done

Note: Correct spec file naming is crucial in this example, if not some will get owerwritten.

[edit] Search and replace

Multiline search and replace using perl (thanks goes to RafaelGarciaSuarez)

Suppose you have two lines in a file like this:


And you want to replace these with something else, this is how to do it:

perl -pi -e -0777 's/known_line1\nknown_line2/two other lines/g' the_file

ms windows users will have to use -i.bak like so:
perl -i.bak -0777 -pe 's/known_line1\nknown_line2/two other lines/g' the_file
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