Ideas for Mandriva Linux 2009

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This page is a first work document to list all proposed ideas for technical specifications for Mandriva Linux 2009 release. Please list all needed information so that we can ask for more information if needed. It's also important to fill a bug in Bugzilla to keep history for any kind of proposal.


[edit] How to submit a suggestion into Bugzilla

  1. If you are not yet registered in Bugzilla, create an account
  2. Log in
  3. Enter a new issue into Bugzilla
  4. In the distribution list, choose "Mandriva Cooker".
  5. Select the Mandriva Tool or the package the suggestion/idea is relating to.
  6. Select the version, the component and the architecture.
  7. In the Severity field, choose "enhancement".
  8. Add a basic summary and a detailed description of your suggestion/idea.
  9. Click on "Commit"

[edit] Base system

[edit] kernel, hardware support

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
Switch to libata Luiz DONE
Stable ABI for modules Luiz In progress
Review package set Luiz In progress
Review ticket handling procedure Luiz
Stop doing kernel upgrades via symlinks in /boot spuk
make sure kerneloops package is installed and enabled by default fcrozat
on boot.iso add alternate kernel-linus
Drop kernel-xen and xen ? fedora stop patch kernel on 2008.1 xen is totaly broken (source)
Add architecture name on files installed on /boot ghibo
Add necessary patches for Kernel Level Modesetting Colin
Full Support for Lenovo Thinkpad T60/T61(Even T62 in the future): Drivers, Hotkeys, LEDs, Power Management and etc. YANG Chenguang
Integrate fingerprint authentication throughout Austin Bug:40627
Unable to /var/log/messages and syslog to become too big 80Mo after few days ! I need to manually erase it David Cossé
Enable advanced mouse features (horizontal scrolling, forward/back, etc.) for bluetooth mice Austin

[edit] Xorg

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
Allow forced specification of video driver for "One" Edition, for when issues are known (only by command line in bootloader) Sam Bailey

[edit] others (gcc, glibc, udev...)

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
with virtualbox 1.6 add br0 automatic for easy setup see page 78
Add cmake and svn by default which are more and more useful YANG Chenguang
Boot time optimization, Cold to Login & Login to Desktop Sam Bailey Image:bug_small.png Bug #40689
Enable use of "ReadyBoost"/"ReadyDrive" and similar systems for either: Boot Optimization, storage of /boot, swap, or just plain storage Sam Bailey Image:bug_small.png Bug #40691
Optimization of resume time from hibernate/suspend Sam Bailey Image:bug_small.png Bug #40692
Add speech support to bootloader Reinout van Schouwen Image:bug_small.png Bug #40697

[edit] Packages management

[edit] RPM, URPMI

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
Do not activate non free source on free distribution by default misc Image:bug_small.png Bug #40033
add option for cron package update (and install at shutdown?) add bugzilla
not possible to stop system when urpmi install package (install ah shutdown) add bugzilla
when update kernel, be sure dkms are ready on mirror link kernel and kernel-source ? add bugzilla
uninstall orphean lib if i uninstall application (like aptitude ?) AshLeDombos add bugzilla
Ability to remove packages and associated dependancies a-la-debian yoho Image:bug_small.png Bug #21641
Rollback of packages if install/upgrade/removal is not successful Sam Bailey Image:bug_small.png Bug #40693
Auto-check on reboot for install/upgrade/removal errors & resolve via rollback or restart of process. (also able to be called on request) Sam Bailey Image:bug_small.png Bug #40694
Add ability to reinstall an "already installed" package. Ie. urpmi --reinstall package Sam Bailey Image:bug_small.png Bug #40695

[edit] GUI tools: mdkonline, rpmdrake

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
mdkapplet should use function with option --nolock, to avoid "urpmi lock" message PapaJaac Image:bug_small.png Bug #40565
back button [search] in drakrpm. PapaJaac Image:bug_small.png Bug #39454
resizing partition "by left side" with drakdisk PapaJaac Image:bug_small.png Bug #40566
on all draktools have 2 buttons : "select all" and "inverse selection" PapaJaac Image:bug_small.png Bug #40561
Do not ask for user password when modifying system clock or using MandrivaUpdate yoho Image:bug_small.png Bug #40597
Improve starting time of the Mandriva Control Center and Network Center yoho Image:bug_small.png Bug #40322
Show type of update in mandrivaupdate (e.g.= fix, security, etc..) killer1987 Image:bug_small.png Bug #36337
Allow ratings by popularity (and goodness) of programs in rpmdrake killer1987 Image:bug_small.png Bug #37199
allow rpmdrake to install packages and dependencies and store all in the disk creating a local mirror killer1987 Image:bug_small.png Bug #35624
Use in draknetcenter a better icon for interfaces protected by firewall killer1987 Image:bug_small.png Bug #35612

[edit] Desktop environment

[edit] General

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
Add Xfce to officially supported desktop environments yoho Image:bug_small.png Bug #16731
Let One offer a light WM for low memory cases DoK Image:bug_small.png Bug #35549
Re-organize icewm packaging yochenhsieh Image:bug_small.png Bug #35578
Use LXDE as default light desktop instead of icewm yochenhsieh Image:bug_small.png Bug #40567 packages available in contrib
Define a consistent visual identity for Mandriva, not changing at each release. That is define colors, fonts, visual elements that can be used across all mandriva related things : icons of drakxtools, (community) websites, logos, documentation, themes, backgrounds. Ex: why the 2008.1 dark blue background color is different from the 2008.0 one ? ofaurax
Add rpms for E17 (Environnement + themes + tools + gadgets) neije add bugzilla
For desktops and laptops install and enable anacron by default JadziaMD Image:bug_small.png Bug #40590
An educational release of KDE with the educational packages installed
Give to Mandriva a visual identity, easily recognizable. Windows vista or MAC OSX have their own visual identity, but all linux distributions look the same...

[edit] KDE

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
Enable Kaffeine as default player instead of totem when both Gnome and KDE installed neije
Hard drive mounts in Storage Media read the mount name, i.e. Windows for a /mnt/Windows mount JadziaMD Image:bug_small.png Bug #40587
Fix bug that causes a complete system freeze when attempting to manage display from KDE control center curtiswtaylorjr Image:bug_small.png Bug #40005

[edit] GNOME

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
Replace xsane with an easier to use/understand default Austin Bug #40628

[edit] Printing

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status

[edit] Office and Internet tools

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
Provide texlive as default latex distribution (instead of tetex) deap Image:bug_small.png Bug #35991
Have tools for easy help end-user and bypass firewall like teamview, netview...
Automatic connect tools like xandros eeepc with sfr usb

[edit] Multimedia

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
Enable thumbnails when selecting pictures to upload to a website (ex. Myspace, Flikr, Auctiva) from Konqueror or Firefox. curtiswtaylorjr

[edit] Mandriva tools

[edit] Installer

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
use mds same if it is for an desktop
fusion mds / drakxtools and use ldap for authentification
can restore easy backup (made with draksnapshot) with boot.iso
easy tools (drakrpm) for upgrade version n to n+1
Give back configuring printer when install is finishing PapaJaac
Configure all official repositories when install is finishing PapaJaac
have .img for make ONE USB install (for pc without cd/dvd-rom) AshLeDombos Image:bug_small.png Bug #40630
Fix stage1 to set host name this one can make service stop sample : mysql, httpd Guillaume Rousse Image:bug_small.png Bug #32725
Refine the timezone selector screen in the installer and in the LiveCD startup wizard dexter11 Image:bug_small.png Bug #40558
Give an option to select he installation media even when already have a CD/DVD YANG Chenguang
Allow the cancelling of the download of repositories during installation Sam Bailey Image:bug_small.png Bug #35378
Make sure upgrade option from 2008.x actually gets tested inhouse and (should it be part of the 2009.0 installer) in case it contains a bug comparable to that in 2008.1 will be updated ASAP in such a way that even novice users stand a chance to fix the issue themselves (ISO patch/separate bootimage) Markus Ueberall Image:bug_small.png Bug #39925

[edit] Drakxtools

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
Advanced Mouse/Joystick/gamepads support to enable multimedia keys if possible xavy94 Image:bug_small.png Bug #30162 Image:bug_small.png Bug #11061
Creates an easy software installer for the newbies. This software installer could be based on "task-*" meta packages, or could rely on a list of packages to install for each software, with options. For example, installing "KOffice" means optionally selecting many packages. Installing "KMPlayer" means choosing the backends, if non-free codecs must be installed, and so on. It is something between the big packages groups provided by the DrakInst installer and the fine-grained RPMDrake. Benoît Minisini
Create a diagnostic tool for network, sound, xorg... to help to solve the problem or to make an accurate bug report. The most important is the network tool able to detect what is wrong: network down, link in use, gateway, DNS... Except for the network, a remote diagnostic from Mandriva could be done. Pierre Jarillon
Create a configuration tool for lirc. David Cossé
A tool to configure external tv-output (pal,secam,ntsc,...,size,...) David Cossé

[edit] Security

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status

[edit] Servers

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
drakwizard-tools for freenx server and put in main ?
Separate server control from the control centre will be better and convenient YANG Chenguang

[edit] Internationalization & Localization

Suggestion Author(s) Bugzilla Status
List all countries in Mandriva One. Make whatever fixes neccessary to the installer to create One images with as many locales as possible, but without the i18n. Image:bug_small.png Bug #23303
ONE: Offer to download and install i18n packages when user chooses a country that isn't supported, just like Ubuntu does. (This depends on another wish: to ship Mandriva with preconfigured mirrors or autoconfigured based on user location.)
Fix bootsplash message localization, which is broken for two years since 2007.0. Image:bug_small.png Bug #35465
Make lang selection at booting reflect actual locales installed in One. Image:bug_small.png Bug #35879
Install the wenquanyi Chinese font automatically when the Chinese languages language support have been selected YANG Chenguang
Just install the necessary plug-ins for SCIM according to the language support instead of install them all YANG Chenguang
Make translations of application names and descriptions in menu actually be used Image:bug_small.png Bug #39172 Image:bug_small.png Bug #35226
Personal tools