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Hardware: Video Card Compatibility

Reminder: If you use proprietary video drivers, don't forget to re-install them after updating XFree86 packages


[edit] 3Dfx Video cards

[edit] Voodoo3 2000

  • Works only in 3D if you set the color depth to 16 bit. If set to 24 bit, DRI isn't enabled and you will be using "indirect rendering". This slowed down my glxgears to 150fps from 1206fps. It also makes all 3D games and GL screensavers very slow. I remembered this after I found it after googling for a bit, because I haven't run across it in quite a while. You can confirm that DRI is enabled by running "glxinfo" (JimConner).

[edit] ATI

ATI has taken the same route as nVidia by providing proprietary, binary only drivers. Trouble when paired with an nForce2 chipset motherboard.

[edit] Radeon 7200 PCI

  • Works fine under 9.1 and 9.2, auto detected on install as Radeon. Using "accelerated" XFree86 (ThosKaber)

[edit] Radeon 8500

  • ATI Radeon 8500: In 9.1 this is not optimal "out of the box". Using it normally, I was getting 640x480 as a maximum resolution, and with some tinkering managed to get to 1280x1024 but without 3D acceleration... glxgears was giving me about 320FPS maximum. The trick is to use some ATI binary drivers that you can find at and download the file Unzip this file and you'll have a subdir called Xfree4.3.0_2.9.12/. Log out of X and when you're at your login screen, switch to vc/1 (CTRL-ALT-F1) and type telinit 3 which will put you into text-only mode. Execute, as root: rmmod radeon; rmmod agpgart. Go where you unpacked the zip file and install the rpm fglrx-glc22-4.3.0-2.9.12.i586.rpm (you might need to use --force). Then execute flgrxconfig which will help you write your XF86Config-4 configuration file. There is one part in the config that asks about compatibility; i.e. default, fast operation, and compatible operation (item #2, the first being item #0). Pick #2 for this question; when I chose #0 the X server would start but nothing would be displayed (for those interested, the option this relates to in XF86Config-4 is "UseFastTLS". Then run (as root): modprobe agpgart (if you selected to use an external AGP GART, as I did). You should then be able to execute telinit 5 to get back into your X login screen and login. Fire up glxgears and, over here, I now have about 2300 FPS. You may also need to edit /etc/modules and add agpgart to the list to force it to get loaded; the docs say this needs to be loaded before the fglrx module. You can also read a discussion thread about this (not Mandrake-specific, although Mandrake is mentioned): (VincentDanen)

[edit] All in Wonder Radeon 8500 DV

  • Works Ok but there seems to be some issues with the TV tuner. I could not get DrakxTV to recognise it.

[edit] Radeon 9200

  • Works fine for me under 9.1, but I don't use 3D gaming so I can't speak to that. (PhilGroschwitz)

[edit] TV Wonder VE

  • Works out of the box with xawtv, zapping, tvtime. Does not work with kwintv on 9.2 (JerrodBarton).

[edit] Rage 128 Pro AGP 4x

  • An older, inexpensive card, but has worked well with 9.0 to 10.1. More than adequate for ordinary tasks and graphics, but I can't comment on game performance though.
  • rikona - 18 Feb 2005

[edit] Radeon 7200 PCI

  • Works fine under 9.1 and 9.2, auto detected on install as Radeon. Using "accelerated" XFree86 -- ThosKaber

[edit] Kyros II based Cards

[edit] Hercules 3D prophet 4500

  • Works rather primitively using framebuffer.For 3D hardware acceleration the powervr driver module is needed. Mdk9.2 requires a rebuilt rpm from the src.rpm, which can be downloaded here: or you can you can get a mdk9.2-i586.rpm here: [[1]]. An extensive README with an example XF86Config file is on the same powervr download page and is also included in the source packages. The README was written for 9.1 but is applicable for 9.2, excepting the " usr/bin/lspci " output which has been replaced by "lspcidrake" in 9.2. " lspcidrake " output does not show which bus the device is on, use " lspcidrake -v " or check the corresponding line using " cat /proc/pci ".
  • Problems: My experience is that if one logs out of X to a console the card will not restart (or go back to the console) on switching back using "ctrl","alt" and "F7" keys. The only solution is to reboot using "ctrl","alt" and "delete" twice. Booting in non-fb mode does not give this problem, though. - TV-out will also NOT work with this card as of this moment (Dec.2003) (HarM).
  • Powervr is not supported on 2.6x kernels ( 10.0 and up) and is not foreseen to do so. Use a lower kernel if you want this card with 3D hardware acceleration or load "other -> KYRO" for 2D when configuring through "XFdrake" (HarM - 26 Oct 2005)

[edit] Matrox

[edit] Matrox G400

  • Has worked well for me under 8.2 to 10.0, but I don't use 3D gaming, so I couldn't answer for its capabilities there (AnneWilson).

[edit] Matrox G550

  • Works fine with x11-driver-video-mga- on Mandriva Linux 2007.0 and 2007.1, but glx and 3D will not work until there is a better driver.

[edit] nVidia

All cards work well with 3D hardware acceleration, provided you use the proprietary nVidia drivers. Mandriva 10.0 has an issue with the nvidia proprietary video drivers that can be solved by adding nvidia to /etc/modprobe.preload

All cards work well with 3D hardware acceleration, provided you use the proprietary nVidia drivers. You need to do the following to get the nVidia drivers working on Mandriva 10.1 Official:

  • Check the kernel version you are running by doing uname -a .
  • Check if you have the kernel-source for the kernel you are running by doing rpm -qa . If not, install the kernel-source matching the kernel you are running. The output of rpm -qa should show kernel and kernel-source to be matching. E.g.:
[gireesh@localhost gireesh]$ rpm -qa | grep kernel
  • Get the latest nVidia driver from the nVidia web site (
  • su in a terminal and type init 3 This should drop you to the command prompt. Log in as user.
  • As su , sh ./ This should install and should not report any errors. Warning about rivafb can be ignored.
  • edit the xorg.conf file located at /etc/X11 Do the changes shown below
Section "Module"
    Load "dbe" # Double-Buffering Extension
    Load "v4l" # Video for Linux
    Load "extmod"
    Load "type1"
    Load "freetype"
    Load "glx" # 3D layer <--make sure this line is uncommented (there should be no #
EndSection     # in front of this line)

Section "Device"
    Identifier "device1"
    VendorName "nVidia"
    BoardName "NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)"
    Driver "nv" <---changes "nv" to read "nvidia"
  • Add the line nvidia to the file /etc/modprobe.preload (HarryPhillips)
  • As su do an init 5 and you should be back at the graphical screen with 3d enabled.
  • Repeat this procedure if you need to update the kernel or the nvidia driver version.

[edit] Geforce

  • With Gigabyte motherboard I had to set nolapic in /etc/lilo.conf append line to avoid unstable system and IO errors from improper interrupts with kernel 2.4 on 9.2. Also use binary drivers from nVidia as stated above. I set NvAGP 1 in XF86Config-4 file for better frame rates. See MotherBoards#nForce2_ultra_400 for more info. (RickSisler)
  • ASUS A7N8X-X mainboard with nVidia display drivers (using nVidia Geforce card) and Mandriva 10: There have been lots of problems with people experencing crashes/lockups and weird bugs. There are two workarounds: disable apci/acpi or download and install the latest kernel version, 2.6.8. (rob)

[edit] GeforceFX 5200

  • For 10.0 and 10.1, this card has been supported "right out of the box", card was detected and kernel drivers were installed without fault. DRI (direct rendering interface) uses the agpart module already builtin to the 2.6 kernels, so setting NvAGP is not necessary. (RickSisler)

[edit] nVidia drivers for TNT cards 10.1

It seems that the latest nVidia driver (6629) breaks for TNT cards in Mandriva 10.1. In order to get it working properly, I had to do the following:

  • add nvidia to modprobe.preload (as mentioned above)
  • edit /etc/udev/permissions.d/00-udev.permissions and change 'nvidia' from '0660' to '0666'
  • get the 5536 version of the nVidia driver and extract it : -x
  • download a patch to add udev support into this driver : Save it as nvidia-sysfs.patch
  • install the patch: cd NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-5536-pkg1; patch -p1 < ../nvidia-sysfs.patch
  • run the nvidia-installer from that directory; and then finish the install in the standard way (i.e. edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf, etc.) (BrianSchroeder)

[edit] S3

[edit] Trio 32/64

  • Older card, but works well under 9.0 upto 10.1 (DickGevers)

[edit] 86c325 ViRGE (rev. 06)

  • Older card, but works well under 10.1 to 10.2 (DickGevers)

[edit] SiS Integrated Video Cards

[edit] SiS 630

  • detects and works under Mandriva 9.0 - 10.1. No 3D Acceleration but good 2D performance (MatthewPROUSE).
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