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Various information about how the Mandriva bootsplash works.

see for more information


[edit] Configuration files

You need to have splash=silent in your kernel command line

[edit] /etc/sysconfig/bootsplash

# -*- Mode: shell-script -*-
# Specify here if you want to add the splash logo to initrd when
# generating an initrd. You can specify :
# SPLASH=no to don't have a splash screen
# SPLASH=auto to make autodetect the splash screen
# SPLASH=INT Where Integer could be 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 1600x1200

# Choose the themes. The should be based in 
# /usr/share/bootsplash/themes/

# Say yes here if you want to leave the logo on the console.
# Three options :
# LOGO_CONSOLE=no don't display logo under console.
# LOGO_CONSOLE=yes display logo under console.
# LOGO_CONSOLE=theme leave the theme to decide.

[edit] /etc/bootsplash/themes/$THEMES/config/

# This is the configuration file for the 1024x768 bootsplash picture.
# This file is necessary to specify the coordinates of the text box on the
# splash screen.


# should the picture be displayed?

# fgcolor is the text foreground colour.
# bgcolor is the text background (i.e. transparent) colour.

# (tx, ty) are the (x, y) coordinates of the text window in pixels.
# tw/th is the width/height of the text window in pixels.

# ttf message output parameters

# name of the picture file (full path recommended)


# background
box silent noover 512 732 1000 752 #04045498
box silent inter 512 733 512 751 #99ccff #99ccff #324bb0 #526bb0
box silent       512 733 1000 751 #99ccff #99ccff #324bb0 #526bb0
# black border
box silent         512 732 1000 732 #313234
box silent         512 752 1000 752 #eef4ff
box silent         512 732 512 752 #313234
box silent         1000 732 1000 752 #eef4ff

# text box (left, top)
box     35 111  35 729 #313234
box     36  111 985 111 #313234
# (right, bottom)
box     985 112 985 729 #eef4ff
box     36 729 985 729 #eef4ff
# box itself
box noover 36 112 984 728 #04045498



[edit] Images

[edit] lilo images

Basically you need to convert a bmp image to a lilo understandable image: use the lilo-bmp2mdk script for that purpose. The initial image must be saved with a 128 colors palette.

lilo-bmp2mdk mode:0x103 timer:425,562,126+64,27+64 entry:218,174,27+64,30+64,11,55 clear:600,800,127+64 pos:0,0 < Source-images.bmp > lilo-message.msg

[edit] VESA modes

Choose an 8-bit VESA mode, here are some examples:

hex mode width (px) height (px) notes/comments
0100 640 400 needed for some old laptops
0101 640 480 works on very old hardware
0103 800 600 works on anything not seriously ancient, good lowest common denominator
0105 1024 768
0107 1280 1024
0130 1600 1200 feeling lucky? might not work on all chipsets

[edit] boot images

Images must be saved as jpeg with quality 0.75 without any other option (usually called optimize and progressive) enabled.

Images can be stored anywhere, the default location is /usr/share/bootsplash/themes/$THEME/images/

[edit] Installing a new bootsplash

Whenever a new theme has been installed and you want to have it used by default you should first check the /etc/sysconfig/bootsplash theme, and then recreate an initrd with the mkinitrd script (and update your bootloader). To recreate initrd for an already installed kernel, type the following command (where XXX is the kernel version name, e.g. If you want to recreate initrd for your running kernel, this name can be displayed using the command uname -r ):

# mkinitrd /boot/initrd-XXXX.img XXXX
# /usr/share/bootsplash/scripts/make-boot-splash /boot/initrd-XXXX.img 1024x768

or use instead:

# installkernel XXXX

which creates the new initrd and adds a new entry in the bootloader.

[edit] Test a bootsplash

The following command will display the bootspash image in your first console:

# splash -s -u 0 /etc/bootsplash/themes/your_theme/config/bootsplash-your_res.cfg

To test the progress bar use:

# echo "show 15000" > /proc/splash

[edit] "Integration" with GDM theme

If you wonder why X always displays a blue background just before gdm is started and displays the (maybe) matching theme: This seems to be a patch done by Mandriva (see which unfortunately doesn't allow changes without recompiling X.

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