From Mandriva Community Wiki
If you can think of better ways to do this, please feel free to email me at jcllings(at n0spam)javahop(d0t)com. I would love to hear your suggestions. Also feel free to correct any mistakes you see, but again please notify me.
This method has some advantages and disadvantages. On the disadvantage side, you can't force anyone to use it. Second, it creates large log files. On the advantage side, the log files are comprehensive. Not only will you be able to see what commands were executed but you will also see what the results were, what help pages you were reading at the time, etc.
[edit] Change Logs
So I was looking around for a way to keep track of all the changes made by an admin user and when they were made. I also wanted to be able to use a keystroke to send a process into the background so that