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How to make a bootable CDRom - as an alternative to, or in addition to a bootable floppy disk (see Formatting floppies ).
As it is sometimes difficult to fit a modern kernel on a floppy, and because more and more machines do not have a floppy drive at all, it is usually a good idea to have a bootable CDRom if for any reason your machine does not seem to be able to complete the boot process by itself. The following describes the steps to make a bootable CDRom containing the kernel that is running at this time.
It should be borne in mind that when actually using the Boot CD in case of need, some operations require the presence on the system of files relative to the kernel that is on the CD. In other words, the best possible boot CD is one for a kernel that is actually installed on the system. When upgrading or adding another kernel to your system, it is advisable to make a new boot CD. When you are already satisfied that the newest kernel does everything it should with your hardware, you can use a CDRW and burn the bootable CD over an older kernel. If not, a separate disk is advisable.
Steps to take:
- Start any console or terminal.
- Give the