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Converting Filesystems

[edit] Converting ext3fs to reiserfs

> I am wanting to convert my ext3fs to reiserfs. How can I do that
> without losing all of my information and settings.

Well it depends on how you are set up and what resources you have available. In order to make more effective suggestions we will need you to post the following:

  1. The reason why you wish to convert to reiserfs in case we can suggest a better alternative.
  2. The output of the "df -h" command from the command line.
  3. Whether or not you have a backup system available and how much space can be made available on it.

Here is the info on my home server:

[root@enigma 0 sbin]$ df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                      35G   13G   21G  39% /
                      20G  5.3G   15G  27% /home
none                  126M 4.0K  126M   1% /tmp

So if I wanted to convert completely over to reiserfs, I could use some of the following ide