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Home Networking

This page is meant for complete networking newbies who want to make their first baby steps in networking a few computers at home. The information therein may go in depth, but every technical terms should be explained.

See also Networking for an introduction to, well, networking and some definitions.


[edit] Must read

Instead of doing writing a complete howto from scratch, we shall complement what others have writen. The documents listed below are noteworthy for being newbie-friendly (in that they explain every terms used, without making too much assumptions about previous knowledge).

The rest of this document assumes that you have read and understood the above.

[edit] Hardware requirements

[edit] Minimum configuration: two desktop computers

Scenario 1: two computers with one adsl hub

by AugustinMa (20 Jul 2005 ).

I have two computers, and I wish to share an internet connection between them. I am connected via a phone-line ADSL. My telecom company provided me with one adsl modem that can be used as a hub: it has four LAN connection ports at the back. My first difficulty was to understand that a hub cannot do the job of a router (see NetWorking for definition). The possibility to share the internet connection depends on the ISP's policies: if the service includes several dynamic IPs, you should be able to connect the second computer exactly the same way you connected the first: setup the adsl internet connection via drakconf (or with drakconnect in a console). My ISP just gave me one static IP, which means that only one computer can be connected at a time. I have to shut down the connection from one computer before I can connect from the other one. There is in effect no internet connection sharing taking place. I therefore need a router and connect the two computers to the router.

Still investigating....

[edit] Mandriva specific Howtos

[edit] Other Links

The links below are listed in the order I found them. They need to be sorted out.

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