Projects/Bugs/Standard responses

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Standard Responses

The Bug Squad maintains a list of standard responses to be used in commonly encountered situations, to maintain consistency and professionalism. These standard responses are available on this page. They are also attached as a text file for the convenience of Bug Squad members.



This bug is being resolved as OLD. The reason for this is that the bug is filed on an edition of Mandriva Linux that is no longer supported. We regret that we were not able to properly resolve the issue while the edition was supported. If you believe this bug is still valid with any currently supported edition of Mandriva Linux and / or with Cooker, please re-open the bug and set the edition appropriately. If you do not have permission to change the edition, please mention this in a comment, and a triage team member will do it for you.
Mandriva Triage Team


This bug is being resolved as OLD. The reason for this is that the bug was filed on Cooker a long time ago and the distribution has changed considerably in the mean time, so it is quite likely the report is no longer relevant. If you believe this bug is still valid with any currently supported edition of Mandriva Linux and / or with Cooker, please re-open the bug and set the edition appropriately. If you do not have permission to change the edition, please mention this in a comment, and a triage team member will do it for you.
Mandriva Triage Team


A Mandriva developer or a development community member has requested that you provide further information on this bug report in order to aid in reproducing and resolving it. Please provide the information requested, and if necessary, set the bug status back to NEW or ASSIGNED. If the bug status remains NEEDINFO after you have posted the requested information and you do not have the power to change it, please mention this in a comment, and a triage team member will do it for you.
Mandriva Triage Team


This bug is being resolved as OLD. Two months ago or more, a Mandriva developer or a development community member requested that you provide further information on this bug report in order to aid in reproducing and resolving it. This information has not yet been provided. If you are able to provide this information in the future, please do so, and re-open the bug. If you do not have the power to re-open the bug, please mention this in a comment, and a triage team member will do it for you.
Mandriva Triage Team


This report is considered to be a valid and complete bug report according to the Mandriva Bug Policy. It is accepted on behalf of the maintainer.
Mandriva Triage Team

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