Projects/EasyWifi/Development/Drakroam UI
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A brainstorming page for propopsed UI changes, with images. Continues and complements a discussion on the cooker mailing list.
Contents |
[edit] Drakroam Dialog Box
The first image shows the main (and really, only) drakroam dialog box. No details at bottom - those are reserved for the properties/status. Note the title! "Drakroam" is the binary. "Wireless Networks" is its function. Much easier for user to understand.
Note the spacing of elements in the dialog. This makes an enormous difference in the user's ability to read, understand, and use the dialog box.
[edit] Preferred Networks
I didn't fill in the columns, they've been discussed. Signal strength is numerical and graphic. Maybe not a progress bar, maybe discrete bar elements similar to the antenna + waves, only with just the bars and larger, linear instead of curved. (Whatever is chosen, same would show in the net_applet menu where the list of preferred networks shows.)
Rough example icons with strength indication (for net_applet status, when wireless is monitored):
Only using checkmark to indicate connected state because I couldn't think of anything else right now. Reflects a future version where multiple wireless networks can be active at once.
"Remove", "Connect", "Disconnect" are apparent. Checkbox is same as connect/disconnect buttons and state of each are reflected in the other (uncheck box, buttons change state and vice versa).
"Properties..." opens a dialog box with status and ability to change properties (like password, dhcp, etc). Not sure if there would be two tabs (one for current info like IP, sent/received packets, etc, second for preferences) or one.
Arrows to side of preferred networks change order of current item. "Up" should be grayed out in this image. Same for "down" when the last item in the list is selected (or the selected item has been moved to that position).
Dragging an item within the preferred netowrks list acts the same as selecting the item and pressing the up or down buttons.
The arrows within the buttons should probably be GTK stock arrows instead of scrollbar ones. I just felt lazy.
[edit] Available Networks
Available networks list is the same, with different buttons. "Add to Preferred..." (note ellipses!) brings up same properties as "properties..." button. "OK" saves changes and adds network to preferred networks list. "Cancel" cancels and doesn't add it.
"Other..." allows manual entry of network name/ESSID. Otherwise, same as "Add to Preferred...".
"Refresh List" is useful even if the list is refreshed on a polled/event-driven basis. Allows user to say "right now!".
"Close" is obvious, yet not. Don't mix it with other areas. Don't distinguish between save/cancel. Nothing we do here is sufficiently destructive. Nothing that we do in popups (properties) can be logically controlled by the app - or remembered by the user! Otherwise, we're buffering a lot of changes for that one "save" button...
Dragging an item from the available networks to the preferred networks acts the same as selecting the item and pressing "Add to Preferred...".
[edit] Connection/Deconnection
The second image is almost the same as the first. Except, surprise! "Connect" and "Disconnect" have reversed sensitivity. Associated checkbox is unchecked.
It's not confusing, not crowded. No ambiguity ("Does clicking that button activate or DEactivate? Aw, I have to read it first?"). Muscle memory rules, makes for a lot of mistakes if we mess around with what the button in position (x, y) means.
[edit] Network Properties
Properties dialog only has modifiable properties. As I stated above, I'm not sure whether to mix on one page static info (IP address) with modifiable boxes.
The image is summarily ripped off from Gnome System Tools. I've slightly modified it. Also, I didn't put in encryption type. That should be a pull-down like in drakconnect, above the key entry field.
Note: I plan to modify this image later, after I give the layout more thought.
[edit] Etcetera
As I mentioned elsewhere, keep in mind that this is in conjunction with proposed changes to the net_applet menu - including listing the networks from the "preferred networks" list.
There's a project named wifi_radar which is doing about the same thing drakroam except it is written in Python. It's UI could be considered also as an inspiration :