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Package triage

This article is about selecting packages to be included in the distribution.


[edit] Selecting by popularity rank

[edit] DrakStats

DrakStats can aggregate usage statistics from Mandriva users.

[edit] Freshmeat

Freshmeat references several useful packages ratings, such as user rating, project vitality, and project popularity. It offers many backends (see and

[edit] SourceForge

SourceForge provides statistics about the projects it hosts, such as project ranking, project activity, and downloads counts. This is available from per-project RSS feeds:

We may need a special account to mass-download from SourceForge, see A note to Open Source software researchers

[edit] Selecting by freshness of Mandriva packages

The freshness of a package may give an hint about its maintenance level.

The youri-check tool from the Youri project can compare versions of Mandriva packages with various sources such as project homepages (CPAN/Freshmeat/GNOME/RAA/SourceForge) and other distributions (Debian/Fedora/Gentoo/NetBSD).

A demo [html] [rss] is hosted on

See Youri::Check::Test::Updates::Source modules for reference about data retrieval from the various projects.

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