Projects/Training period proposals

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[edit] Mandriva Training period proposals

The paragraphs below contain some ideas for development training periods related to Mandriva research projects.

Normal training period fees are 1/3 of the SMIC ~200€/month. Individual situations may lead to specific wages.

[edit] Design and development of a Web catalogue and installer of software packages

Context: Mandriva Club

The objective is to set up a Web application based on the XWiki framework for browsing, describing and installing RPMs by enhancing the current RPM browser available at [1]. An integration of the Web application with Mandriva desktop GTK applications rpmdrake will be considered.

More information is available from Projects/IRIS

Topics: collaborative editing, social networks, collaborative filtering

Technologies: Java, Groovy, XWiki, MySQL

[edit] Mozilla XUL semantic extensions

Context: Nepomuk

In the frame of the Projects/NEPOMUK project, develop XUL extensions for Firefox and for Thunderbird supporting the following functionalities:

- annotation of Web pages or emails using Nepomuk ontologies - browser of metadata integrated in Firefox / Thunderbird

Nepomuk: Nepomuk ontologies:

Technologies: XUL (development), Nepomuk KDE libraries (use), Nepomuk Java libraries (use)

See also Nepomuk_Mozilla

[edit] Contribution to NEPOMUK PSEW

Context: NEPOMUK

Contributions to the NEPOMUK PSEW prototype: development of specific views and plugins for dealing with metadata over a P2P network. The work could in particular focus on the integration of P-Grid and GridVine in PSEW.

Technologies: Java, Eclipse, Eclipse RCP, SWT, Nepomuk, SPARQL, RDF, distributed hash tables

Cooperation with the PSEW development team (Mandriva / XWiki / Nepomuk consortium).

The description of PSEW as of July 2007 is available from the following report: [2]

Technologies: Eclipse, Nepomuk, distributed hash tables, SPARQL, RDF

[edit] Nepomuk-KDE developments


The work will consist in contributing to the Nepomuk-KDE project. Possible topics are the creation of a rich semantic wiki editor using the Kate framework, the integration the Nepomuk-KDE framework in a given KDE or Gnome application, the improvement of the Soprano RDF backend etc.

Technologies: QT, C++, KDE, Soprano

More information is available at [3]

[edit] Qualipso annotation services - QUASAR

Context: Qualipso project. Qualipso is a European project aimed at improving OSS in Europe.

Proposed work: contribute to the development of the QUASAR services, standing for "Qualipso Annotation Supply And Retrieval Services". The development will consist in developing the following services based on the NEPOMUK infrastructure.

  • S1: annotation service: this service lets a user annotate any and all artefacts of the factory such as: a project, a source file, a bug entry, a mail, a Web page etc. By "annotation" we mean the ability to add metadata to an item.
  • S2: metadata indexing service: this service indexes the metadata and provides a query interface.
  • S3: metadata handling service: this service is a generic service for manipulating a graph of resources and their semantic links.
  • S4: metadata extraction service: this service consists of a set of crawlers that extract available metadata from data sources such as SVN repositories, Mantis database, mailing-list archive etc.

Technologies: RDF, SPARQL, Web services, Java, Aperture, Eclipse

[edit] MEW development

MEW stands for "Mandriva Eclipse Worbench". The objective is to create a workbench on top of Eclipse RCP tailored to the the packaging / development / testing / dissemination of a Mandriva Linux distribution. Various plugins can be considered. Extensions in the frame of the Qualipso research project can be considered as well.

See also [4]

Eclipse RCP:

Techologies: Eclipse, Eclipse RCP, Java, Linux packaging, Web services

[edit] XWiki Concerto developments

XWiki Concerto is a research project described at [5] aiming at creating a high performant P2P wiki supporting offline work and mobiliy. One of the objective is to support the hosting of very large wikis at low costs. Mandriva will use the prototype for their own internal use and for the interaction with the various wiki data sources at stake in daily work.

The work consists in contributing to the developments of the Concerto P2P wiki (Java development) and in experimenting the prototype in the context of the Mandriva. The work includes testing the prototype with users, in issuing surveys and in analysing the feedbacks for improving the prototype.

A general architecture description is available in French from the project's Web site.

Technologies: P2P, XML, Java, Linux

[edit] GGCC - integration and test of 2 gcc enhancements

Mandriva leads the Global GCC project ( ). The goal of this project is to use the gcc infrastructure for adding static checking, source code checking and global optimisations functions to GCC.

Static checking and source code checking functions are now developped at a fast pace. The goal of the traning would be to :

  • integrate both extensions of gcc that are developped for static checking and for coding rule checking,
  • test of both tools on the linux kernel and publication of the results,
  • test of both tools on as extensive part as possible of a linux distribution.

Place : Metz

Required competencies : C, linux, some knowledge on compilation theory. Bac/Alevel+5.

Specificity : a 1 week stay in Madrid will take place during the training.

Duration : 3 to 6 months

[edit] Secured bootloader

The goal is to enhance a bootloader for integrating securing functions based on an external USB device. The external device will propose challenges to the bootloader for checking various elements (hardware, hard-disk sectors, ...). If the bootloader does not answer correctly, the secure device get locked and the pc becomes useless.

Place : Paris

Required competencies : C, linux, ideally bootloader internals. Bac/Alevel + 5

Duration : 3 to 6 months

[edit] Doc 2.0

The goal is to automatically integrate all documentations of a software repository in a single wiki and to let people add comments on this structure. A careful design will be done for having comments wisely added to the good versions of a software. Automatic extraction and web programming of the full site on a Xwiki base will be done.

Place : Paris or Metz

Required competencies : java, web. Bac/Alevel +4/5. A very good technician could also do the job.

Duration : 3 to 6 months

[edit] Doc 2.0 desktop

In cooperation with the previous training, the desktop integration of the doc2.0 (from kde or gtk applications, in command line) will be developped.

Place : Paris or Metz

Required competencies : qt or gtk programming, C/C++, python. Duration : 3 to 6 months.

[edit] Specific SCOS package validation and development platform

The goal is to create a minimal LSB distribution that will integrate the minimal requirement for creating SCOS rpm packages ( ). 2 MPI libraries will be integrated as well as a minimal LSB compliant environment. Vmware, livecd and usbkey of this environment will be created. Documentation of the environment and tutorial for using it will be written.

Place : Paris or Metz

Required competencies : linux. Back/Alevel +4/5. A very good technician could complete the job.

Duration : 3 to 6 months.

[edit] Contacts

Contacts: slauriere, alaprevote, strueg, rh-online

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