User talk:Dick Gevers

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[edit] ChangeLogs

Please log your changes (see Policies/Wiki_Style#Summarize your changes). See you. Tv 06:54, 12 December 2006 (MST)

For reply see: Tv user talk page Dick Gevers 11:46, 12 December 2006 (MST)

However, all I'm doing is styling some pages according to the wiki policy and some minor edits if I run into some typos, so no material changes.
Besides, each page records all changes in the tab "history", so all changes made can be compared with the previous version. But if I make a major change, I'll be sure to make a note.
Dick Gevers 11:43, 12 December 2006 (MST)
Then, just write "typo fix", "wikif", "cleanups", ... as changelogs :-) See you. Tv 04:56, 13 December 2006 (MST)
Okay, as you wish, you're the boss :)
But I personally don't see that that adds anything meaningful for minor edits.
Dick Gevers 07:50, 13 December 2006 (MST)
It's then easier to see what changed, and when (eg: changelog of diskdrake. CU Tv 08:08, 13 December 2006 (MST)
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