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Multi Network Firewall 2 Errata page


[edit] Preliminary note:

Many problems encountered by MNF2 users are triggered by bad shorewall rules. Please check that /etc/shorewall/rules and similar files in the same directory are written and behave correctly.

[edit] MandrivaOnline broken link

The URL was changed to few weeks ago, this prevents the mdkonline binaries which use the '.net' extension to work correctly besides the setup of a redirection mechanism. Install manually the update version available here and redo the configuration step in MandrivaOnline section from your MNF2 web interface.

[edit] Shorewall/chkconfig broken initscript

The 'chkconfig' command on MNF2 previously created symbolic links with incorrect names ("S-1shorewall/K-1shorewall"). The shorewall initscript has been changed to prevent this incorrect behavior. You need to manually delete the S-1shorewall and K-1shorewall files located in /etc/rc*.d/ directories after upgrading to shorewall-2.0.17-2.1.100mdk.

The following commands can be used to fix this issue after the shorewall update:

# chkconfig shorewall off; chkconfig --del shorewall
# rm -f /etc/rc*.d/*shorewall*
# chkconfig --add shorewall; chkconfig shorewall on

Bugzilla ticket which is tracking this issue.

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