Development/Docs/Suspend Whitelist
From Mandriva
Whitelist Tool
Several machines requires hacks to have display working correctly with power management features. wltool takes care of these hacks by reading what hacks is needed from a whitelist. wltool is based on S2ram( and benefits from it's whitelist.
The whitelist contains info about what hacks is needed for specific machines.
The specific flags listed in this whitelist is:
- VBE_SAVE - save VBE state before suspending and restore after resume.
- VBE_POST - VBE POST the graphics card after resume.
- VBE_MODE - machine needs "vbetool vbemode get / set".
- RADEON_OFF - turn off the backlight on radeons before suspending.
- S3_BIOS - set the acpi_sleep parameter s3_bios
- S3_MODE - set the acpi_sleep parameter s3_mode
- NOFB - must not use a frame buffer
- UNSURE - unverified entries from acpi-support 0.59
To only initiate the s3_sleep hacks from the whitelist, just run the 'wltool' service that comes with the wltool package. These are passed at boot from this service because they're useful also otherwise than just suspend/resume, eg. problems with display after closing/opening the lid (see Bug #24918).
For use with suspend scripts it will use radeon & vbe hacks too. These are also picked up from the whitelist, if your model is not on the whitelist, you can try passing parameters to it yourself (see 'wltool --help'). When you find out what is needed of these hacks, you can post the info with output from 'dmidecode' to [email protected] and these will be added to the whitelist.