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Pages in the "HouseKeeping" category are pages that need love... they need to be stylized (see Policies/Wiki_Style, they need to be spell-checked, they need gramatical editing and cleaning. Initially, all new pages will be added to this category and as people clean the pages, they can be removed from this category (essentially, this is a TODO list for cleaning pages).

NOTE! If you are going to remove this category from a page, be sure that the following steps have all been done. If you only do one, maybe note it in the "Talk" page so others don't do the same thing, but the category should not be removed until every item below is done:

  1. Proof-read, which means:
    1. It is grammatically correct (i.e. it could be used as "official" documentation)
    2. It has been spell-checked
    3. Any obsolete information has been removed (i.e. no one cares about what is pertinent to Mandrakelinux 9.1 unless it's on the 9.1 release page)
    4. All personalisms (i.e. "I did this", "I recommend that", etc.) and emoticons (smilies, etc.) have been removed
    5. All personal comments (i.e. "Does this work ?-- Joe Blow") have been removed (or, rather, moved to the Talk page)
  2. Styled, as per Policies/Wiki_Style
    1. Make sure styling is consistent (i.e. using {{menu|This is important text}} for something other than a series of menu commands should not be done)

The idea is to have great, professional documentation that can be read and understood by anyone. It's a big job, considering how poorly written some documents are, but the pay-off is well worth it as it makes the documents more valuable to everyone.

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Articles in category "HouseKeeping"

There are 200 articles in this category.




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