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Ideas For i18n

Internationlization Thoughts of Mandriva 2008

This page summarize the massive ideas on I18n support of Next release of Mandriva Linux.


What we concen here is: locale, keyboard layout/IMEs, various configurations for different programs, localdrake, predefined packages selection on installation (aka previous rpmsrate), etc. Other topics such as glyph rendering shouldn't follow.


Current Situation

  • locales are seperated as locales-LL packages.
  • The i18n subsystem is locales-LL packages dependent.
  • Localedrake deals with /etc/sysconfig/i18n, mounting policy, kblayout/IMEs.
  • DrakX deals with package selection (via rpmsrate).


  • Where the users reside should have no relation with locales nor languages.
  • Keyboard layout and timezone should not have relation with locales. They belong to hardware, or computer itself.
  • No CLI interface of localedrake. (half wrong, eg: localedrake --apply --kde_lang=fr --kde_country=fr)
  • There is no smart way to install corresponding language pack (ff/tb, ooo, etc) besides DrakX.






  • A core script (CLI version of localedrake) that manages all the IMEs. Users could use localedrake to activate certain IME. In fact, localedrake is just a frontend of update-alternatives.
  • All the IMEs should provide their environment settings themseleves. For example, /etc/sysconfig/i18n/ime.d/scim.
  • All the IME packages should be splitted to something like scim-core, scim-xim, scim-immodule-gtk2, scim-immodule-qt3, scim-immoudle-qt4.
  • scim-core uses %trigger to keep changes on package installations, in order to modify /etc/sysconfig/i18n/ime.d/scim accordingly.




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