From Mandriva
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rpmlint is a tool to check common errors on RPM packages. It is designed to check Mandriva Linux packages but it works with all RPM packages. SUSE and RedHat are also using it.
New website
rpmlint has been moved to, please fill bug reports on the new website, unless they are Mandriva specific, in which case you should use Mandriva bugzilla.
You can configure rpmlint with the file ~/.rpmlintrc, or /etc/rpmlintrc. Mandriva build cluster is already configured. You should set at least the following:
from Config import * setOption("Packager","[email protected]") # default value # setOption('Packager', 'Mandriva Linux Team <>||') addFilter("E: .* no-signature") addFilter("W: .* invalid-packager") addFilter("E: .* no-packager-tag") addFilter("E: .*-debug .*") addFilter("W: .*-debug .*") # not very clean, but easier to maintain release_tag = os.popen("rpm --eval '%mkrel 1'").readlines()[0][1:-1] setOption('ReleaseExtension', release_tag)
For more options, look at the rpmlint documentation.
Many rpmlint errors are detailed in Packaging Problems. Results of the use of rpmlint against the distribution are detailed in Packaging Reports.
Feature requests
Reported on Bug #20976.
- check qt3 path, currently rpmlint will produce an error if you specify correct path to qt3 ( %{_prefix}/lib/qt3 ), but it should rather produce an error if you specify it incorrectly (e.g. %{_libdir}/qt3 )
- ensure that things won't get fscked if we build -debug package (e.g. don't use %summary macro later, don't add %{_libdir}/* to %files list etc.)
- forbid using in %_remove_install_info macro in %postun since it's too late, it has to be called from %preun (since install-info relies on info file header)
- check that packages don't contain files in /usr/include/X11
- when providing versioned requires, packages should probably provide %{release} too, e.g. lib%{name}-devel = %{version}-%{release} , not just lib%{name}-devel = %{version}
- when an install is an upgrade, check that directories like /usr/lib/doc/$packagename-$previousversion or perl-$previousversion are removed
- ensure that %buildroot isn't touched in %pre, nor %build, e.g. rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT should be done in %install instead
- since we now have a new %check stage, make test, make check, etc. should be done in this new stage, check for this
- Requires(pre,post,etc.) won't work, do Requires(pre), Requires(post) etc. instead, check for this
- spec files should be in utf-8, check for this
- ensure that %mkrel get's used