Development/Weekly News

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Cooker weekly news FAQ

A faq about the biweekly newsletter of cooker world



What is the Cooker Weekly News ?

The cooker weekly news is a newsletter summarizing what is important on the cooker mailling list. It is targeted to the developers working on cooker who do not have time to read the whole cooker list. But it also a way to see some news about the next version of Mandriva Linux.


Where can i get them ?

Right now, the newsletter is )


How often is the cooker weekly news sent ?

Each two weeks, on monday very soon in the morning ( gmt hour ).


But why is it called weekly if it is not weekly ?

Because it was the name of the first newsletter made by Warly and Gc ( see ).


And why only 2 per month ?

Because there is not enough interesting things regarding cooker for a weekly newsletter. But this can change in the future.


What would be found in the newsletter ?

When there is important policy changes, important new features ( gcc 3.4 ), current discussion that should be kept for archives. And the package of the week, which show a package that seems interesting.


What would not be found in the newsletter ?

Commercial announce of Mandriva S.A., discussion not relevant in the future (sometimes, people discuss bugs for 3 days, but once fixed, this is no longer interesting ), discussion about stable version problems unless exception.


Is this an official and endorsed Mandriva newsletter ?

No, the newsletter is written by a cooker community member, as a community ressource.


Hey, this is monday morning and i didn't received anything!

Well, chances are high that I am late. I would say i have a life, but this is wrong for the moment. Sometimes the main server ( ) is down, sometimes the archive server is down too ( ), and i can also forget. And, last possibility, there is nothing to post.


How is the newsletter handled ?

With a python script that summarizes each news and format them as text. A html output should not be too much difficult to add, if people want it. The python script is not on a public repository for the moment, but it can be send by email or anything. Code only need to be cleaned.


Who should i contact for more information or more questions ?

Just write to [email protected].

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