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Mandriva Linux 2007 Spring Release Tour

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[bearbeiten] The new Mandriva Linux: Here Comes The Spring!

Mandriva Linux 2007 Spring is the latest edition of Mandriva Linux, the product of more than than nine years of continuous innovation for desktops and enterprise servers.

In this release, we have integrated the most up-to-date versions of the major components, with the brand new GNOME 2.18 desktop, the latest stable KDE 3.5.6, 2.1 (with experimental 2.2 packages available), the latest Mozilla Firefox 2.0 and the upcoming Mozilla Thunderbird 2.0 beta 2.

This release also features an impressive 3D desktop software suite, with the groundbreaking Metisse desktop technology, the latest Compiz as well as all the newest and most impressive Beryl plugins - and you thought you knew what 3D-accelerated desktops looked like...

Mandriva Linux 2007 Spring is built on the solid foundation of Mandriva Linux 2007. Mandriva 2007 Spring automatically runs on a wide range of hardware configurations, automatically detected and configured out of the box by the Mandriva tools. You can download Mandriva Linux 2007 Spring One or download Mandriva Linux 2007 Spring Free, buy boxed or download commercial editions from the Mandriva Store, or join the Mandriva Club and download commercial editions of Mandriva Linux 2007 Spring as one of your membership benefits.

[bearbeiten] GNOME 2.18 shines on Spring!

Mandriva Linux is not a KDE-only desktop. Together with our community of developers, we take great care to provide the best of GNOME, too. Mandriva Linux 2007 Spring is the first major distribution to ship the brand new GNOME 2.18.

GNOME 2.18 shines on Mandriva Spring with this new incremental upgrade, with more visual improvements as well as many new and enhanced applications:

  • Tomboy, to keep better track of your important notes and ideas
  • GNOME's Disk Usage Analyzer to find about disk space usage
  • GNOME's Power Manager to monitor battery and control the processor power usage
  • GNOME Document Viewer supporting multiple monitors and multiple instances
  • Ekiga 2.0.7 for easy VoIP
  • Evolution 2.10 for email and groupware features
  • Rhythmbox 0.9.8 to listen your music collection
  • F-Spot 0.3.5 to import and manage easily your photos
  • Nautilus CD Burner to burn easily data CD and DVD
  • Beagle : You'll never wonder where are your documents anymore thanks to its ability to search within dozens of file types

GNOME 2.18 also delivers more security features like digital encryption and signing of files and emails with Seahorse.

With enhancements such as vertical text layout for Chinese and Japanese, full Arabic localization, better dictionary support and additional text-to-speech translations, GNOME 2.18's updated internationalization features complement Mandriva's excellent internationalization perfectly.

GNOME 2.18 shines with new multimedia features and games like glChess and Sudoku. Mandriva Linux 2007 Spring also ships with the new Audio CD burning application: serpentine.

GNOME 2.18 is also better for developers with the new integrated help sub-system and the improvements in the Glade interface builder.

[bearbeiten] KDE 3.5.6 is better than ever

The latest KDE 3.5.6 desktop is available. This release includes a number of bugfixes for several KDE components. Significant features include additional support for Compiz as a window manager with kicker, session management browser tabs for Akregator, templating for KMail messages, and new summary menus for Kontact making it easier to work with your appointments and to-dos. Many translations have also been extended. Other significant enhancements include:

  • Version 0.12.3 of Kopete replaces 0.11.3, it includes support for Adium themes, performance improvements and better support for the Yahoo! and Jabber protocols.
  • Amarok 1.4.5 to listen to your music collection
  • Digikam 0.9.1 to import and manage your photos
  • KOffice 1.6.2 - a lightweight office suite
  • K3B 1.0.1svn - the most versatile Linux CD/DVD writing application
  • Wengophone 2.1rc2 for easy VoIP
  • Kerry desktop search engine is now shipped and installed by default in Mandriva 2007.1. You'll never wonder where your documents are any more thanks to its ability to search within dozens of file types.

For more information, see KDE 3.5.5 and KDE 3.5.6 the official KDE changelogs.

Mandriva 2007.1 features Dolphin 0.8.2, the future KDE file manager. See this article to find out more about Dolphin.

[bearbeiten] XFCE 4.4

XFCE, the lightweight desktop, is available in version 4.4. It features :

  • Desktop icons support
  • Removable media support through HAL
  • Improved Thunar filemanager
  • An improved and more stable panel
  • Orage - a time management application
  • xfburn - allow to burn data CD and DVD

For more information, see XFCE homepage

[bearbeiten] A beautiful new design

Mandriva Linux 2007 Spring includes a beautiful new design, with a new desktop theme and new system menu design in KDE.

[bearbeiten] The best 3D-accelerated desktop experience available

The cutting-edge Metisse desktop technology is fully integrated into Mandriva Linux 2007 Spring. Metisse gives you whole new ways of working with your desktop. Both Compiz and Beryl are also included, in the latest available versions: 0.3.6 and 0.2.0. The drak3d 3D desktop configuration tool is now easier to use than ever, and supports Metisse as well as Compiz and Beryl.

[bearbeiten] The best configuration tools around

The MandrivaUpdate update tool has been given a brand new, simplified interface, giving you all the information you need about available updates, and nothing else!

The rpmdrake package management tool has been greatly improved. A 'select all' button has been added, much more information is available about each package (including the repository it comes from), and performance has been greatly improved.

An updated and improved version of the Mandriva Online applet is included which will provide update notification without the need to register to the Mandriva Online website, upload information about your system, or subscribe to the Mandriva Online service. Update notification simply works right away.

As always, hardware support is improved to cover ever more and newer hardware than before. In particular, support for suspend / hibernate functionality on laptops has once more been improved, and is now based on the pm-utils framework which is fast becoming a cross-distro standard. For more technical details on specific hardware support improvements, see the Technical Release Notes.

[bearbeiten] Leading applications

The tested and stable 2.1 is available on the discs and in the supported main section. For users who need the latest features, 2.2 RC3 is also available from the unsupported contrib section and can be installed alongside 2.1.

The latest version of Mozilla Firefox,, is included. The second beta version of Mozilla Thunderbird 2.0 accompanies it.

Sun Java 5 and 6 are available from the public repositories.

Run your Windows® games and applications with wine 0.9.33.

[bearbeiten] More about Mandriva Linux 2007 Spring

The Mandriva Linux 2007 Spring Release Notes contain more technical and detailed information on changes and new features in Mandriva Linux 2007 Spring, including less visible changes that are important to advanced users and system administrators. The Mandriva Linux 2007 Spring Errata contain known issues in 2007 Spring, and fixes or workarounds where available. They make for a good read while you download Mandriva Linux!

Oh, by the way, if you like this new release, you can tell DistroWatch about it by visiting the Mandriva page on DistroWatch! They provide a good overview of the changes made in the history of the distribution.

[bearbeiten] Editions

Mandriva Linux 2007 Spring is available in several different editions:

  • the One edition is an installable live CD integrating the latest proprietary drivers, available free of charge
  • the Free edition is a pure free / open source software edition, without any of the non-free packages bundled with other editions; it is also available as a free of charge download
  • the Discovery, Powerpack and Powerpack+ editions, for beginner users, power users and SOHO users respectively, include support, services, a wider range of packages, and many third-party proprietary applications.

To select the best edition for your needs consult: Choosing the Mandriva Linux edition that's right for you.

Additional information is also available online:

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