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Ideas for Mandriva Club

The place to keep track of good ideas for the Club

Add your ideas to this page about improving the Club website and services. If the idea was discussed in the forum, please provide a link. Please try to focus on improvements what more than one user demands. Please add your name or Users page link.

[edit] General

Description Status
There are web usability problems in articles. Various text are underlined and/or bold, while being or not being links. 2475 Example1 myBittorrent Example2. Please make links look the same, preferably a different color for visited and not visited. Do not write plain text and titles with the same formatting. Preferreably use underline ONLY FOR links. - FerencVeres
Up to date hardware listsings for the hardware database discuss - FerencVeres
When I navigate to any article and want to read the comments, there seems to be no way that I can make them visible. Perhaps I am doing it the wrong way, but that means that it is not intuitive to make them appear (DickGevers) There is a "Comments not shown. Press Refresh buttons to see them." text and a "Refresh" button in the "comments view panel". Was confusing to me too, I kept on pressing browser's Refresh for several months, so you are right. :-) - FerencVeres

[edit] News

Description Status

[edit] Downloads

[edit] RPM Voting

Description Status
Arrange the download pages, there are about 10 ways to get at any of the 10 download related pages, all containing similar but different information (including Torrent help). discuss: outdated mirror list - FerencVeres
BitTorrent statistics. Is there a way to display actual seeders and downloaders of all torrents? discuss - FerencVeres
Description Status
Search in RPM voting
There should be a text search facility. I want to vote for "gatos" RPM? I type "gatos" in search field, instead of clicking through 10 pages full of RPMs and doing a browser "Find" on each one... - AleksanderAdamowski
It exists. There is a search page in the RPM Voting. Fafane
Clean up deprecated requests, like KDE 2.2, Firefox 0.9.2 (as 1.0 being default in 10.2) and so on. It is impossible to browse that long lists for apps which are worthy to get voted more. - FerencVeres
- AngeloNaselli: probably we could consider to check if some reqeusts are still valid (i mean some applications for old release distros, or some very dated requests) - discuss

[edit] Forum

Description Status
Please translate the buttons like "new topic", "post reply". EricAuge

[edit] Chat

Description Status
The Club Chat applet uses a port (8666?) which is filtered (most of the time) by corporate firewalls. So people behind a corporate firewall cannot reach the chat unless they could configure a SSH server outside the office premises and the corporate firewall doesn't filter SSH connection. Could the chat applet use another port, like 80, on a dedicated server? So, the applet should have to encapsulate its own protocol in HTTP. Or use another techo than java to make the chat possible for every club member. EricAuge

[edit] Membership and paying

Description Status
Ability to renew and upgrade at the same time discuss - FerencVeres
Buying various membership levels on Mandrake Store? Currently I see Silver only. discuss - FerencVeres
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