From Mandriva Community Wiki
Considering the various type of CD/DVD burn methods which are in the race for more space. For storage, and not to mention what ever it takes for our brains to compile an enormous program to gather all the theory. When we put collectivally information, data to give us accessable reasoning. There is the SATA and the Terabyte. More SAN's are needed to hold all the information in place. More minds are needed to maintain the hardware compatability equiptment which then does not afford the painstaking effort to run the race for growth in the market of high cost in production. Y2K proved that a *TLA was already ahead of its time. Microsoft had something to offer, yet the price was to hard to pay for. Then technology became high in demand and opportunity was knocking at the door. For some at least.
Now we can have legitament arguments and resolve the matter with just a few clicks away. Then place them on a CD/DVD burned away from the HD, depending on what you know that could desern if the product you invest in is stable enough that when you retreave your work not only is it readable but also of high quality in the limited space you consevered, and the argument was essential enough to put it into action. Lets hack away the unessentials and breath a little life.
- TLA - Three Letter Acronym