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Power saving configuration on Mandriva Linux


[edit] Suspend

[edit] Userland support

[edit] pmsuspend interface

pmsuspend is the official suspend interface, it is provided by the suspend-scripts package. It takes care of shutting down services and removing modules before going to suspend and restart those things after coming back. The configuration file is /etc/sysconfig/suspend.

Usage: /usr/sbin/pmsuspend ACTION

Suspend to memory: 
  /usr/sbin/pmsuspend [memory|ram|suspend]
Suspend to disk:
  /usr/sbin/pmsuspend [disk|hibernate]

[edit] Frontends

These applications call pmsuspend to trigger the suspend:

  • klaptop
  • gnome-power-manager
  • any application using HAL to suspend

[edit] Suspend sequence


[edit] hibernate interface

hibernate is a script supporting software suspend 2. Suspend 2 provides some additional features that are currently not supported by software suspend 1. The configuration files for hibernate can be found in /etc/hibernate/. Help can be found by typing

man 5 hibernate.conf

at the command prompt, after installing the hibernate package.

[edit] Software Suspend 1 (standard kernel, kernel-multimedia, kernel-tmb)

Fully supported in the suspend-scripts package.

[edit] Software Suspend 2 (kernel-multimedia only)

Requires the hibernate package (from contrib).

[edit] Kernel support

The standard Mandriva kernel has Software Suspend 1 enabled. Multimedia kernel (in contrib) has Software Suspend 2 enabled by default starting from version 2.6.16 and up Pre-built rpm and srpm multimedia kernels are on cooker, versions for 2006 may be found at:

[edit] APM vs ACPI

[edit] CPU frequency

[edit] CPU frequency scaling modules

The cpufreq initscript probes power saving modules at boot and loads them. This is not the proper way to do it, because the cpufreq services runs the detection at each boot. harddrake should better modify some /etc/modprobe.preload.d/cpufreq file when the processor is changed.

[edit] CPU frequency scaling programs

  • klaptop
  • cpufreqd
  • cpu_freq_throttle applet
  • "CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor" applet in GNOME (cpufreq-applet)

[edit] Various hardware compatibility list

Power saving compatibility list

[edit] See also

Instructions for using a custom DSDT (Differentiated System Description Table) are available at Hardware. This provides a means for getting ACPI if ACPI isn't working with your kernel.

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