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Hardware: Scanner Compatibility


[edit] Benq (aka Acer)

[edit] 3300U

  • Works fine with sane (stable driver), it is actually a Snapscan. You need to choose the right firmware, depending on the version of the scanner (check the sane-snapscan site to determine the right one). Mine uses the u176v046.bin file. (GuyVanSanden)

[edit] Canon

[edit] Canoscan LIDE 30

  • Works well with Gimp, Xsane and Kooka.
  • Works "out-of-the-box" with 9.1; does not with 9.0 (BrantFitzsimmons)

[edit] Canoscan LIDE30 N1240U

  • Is detected and works immediately in 9.1; does not with 9.0
  • Works with Gimp, Xsane, Seen as = plustek:'dev'usb'scanner0 (CharlieSierra)

[edit] Canoscan 2700F

  • Requires a genuine SCSI host adapter: 9.0 makes installation of the SCSI host adapter straightforward with 'expert install', but it lacks the the Canon scanner driver. This will have to be downloaded from elsewhere and installed. 9.1 has the Canon scanner driver on its database. However installation of the SCSI host adapter is no longer semi-automatic - a retrograde move - and can be fiddly depending on what else is on your system. See Adaptec AHA1520, etc. under SCSI below.
  • Once the SCSI card is installed, MCC =>ScannerDrake => Add a Scanner Manually => select Canon 2700F will add the scanner to the scanner database. It works well with Gimp and Xsane. In the presence of a USB Epson flat bed scanner, the 'device dialog' in Gimp is a bit "sticky" - it goes straight into Epson, but by closing the Epson window and re-opening the 'dialog' you can bring up the choice of scanners. In the Canon scanner panel the 'Film Type' is also a bit "sticky" - it remains on switching from 'Negative' to 'Slide'. Switch back to 'Negative', then to 'Slide' again.'Film Type' disappears and the device scans a slide properly (DouglasBainbridge).

[edit] Canoscan FS2710

  • Film scanner - theoretically compatible with sane driver, but I've never got it to work. Hard resets are experienced on attempting to scan (AnneWilson).

[edit] Epson

Epson scanners are generally well supported

The Epson Sane backend is available from along with lots of up-to-date information. However most Epson scanners seem to install out-of-the-box, everything is on the Mandrake disks.

[edit] Perfection 1250 and 1260

I've not tried them myself, but the Perfection 1250 and 1260 are supported by the Plustek backend. ( Note that there is a danger of damaging the scanner unless you read their warning first. The version of Sane in the 9.1 distribution seems to be late enough to avoid this, but earlier ones probably aren't.

[edit] Epson Perfection 1650

  • in 8.x, needs driver from Epson website. Recognised 'out-of-box' in 9.0 and 9.1 (AnneWilson)

[edit] Epson Perfection 1670

  • NOT COMPATIBLE While there is a lot of good opinion out there on the Epson Perfection 1660, which by all accounts lives up to its name, it is being replaced by the Perfection 1670, which decidedly does not. At least one person has reported getting a 1670 after ordering a 1660. Both the Epson backend people and the Plustek backend people, (the Plustek backend supports the 1250/1260,) have issued statements that the 1670 is not, and never will be, supported by their respective backends (RichardUrwin).

[edit] Epson Perfection 2400 photo

  • Works out of the box on Mdk9.0 & Mdk9.1, though you may need to edit the port setting in Xsane if USB
  • I didn't have to edit anything on Mdk9.1. Note that it is recognised as a GT-9300 which is the Asian market style name for it (RichardUrwin).

[edit] Epson Perfection 1260 photo

  • Works out of the box on Mdk9.1, excellent results with Xsane and Kooka

[edit] Epson Perfection 1240U

  • Works out of the box on Mdk9.0 and 9.1.
  • See also Printers for All-in-One devices

[edit] Epson Perfection 3170 Photo

  • Works with Epkowa's Iscan 1.6 or higher. Installation instructions are contained at the below Discussion Forum Site. Installation is different for kernel 2.4 and kernel 2.6. . For the =/etc/sane.d/epkowa.conf= file in kernel 2.6 add "usb 0x4b8 0x116".

[edit] Hewlett Packard

[edit] HP Scanjet 6200C

  • works well with Xsane in 9.1
  • See also Printers for All-in-One devices

[edit] Microtek

[edit] Microtek E6

  • Works well with Gimp and Xsane. If you have problems getting the SCSI host adapter recognised see here ( _link has been lost_ ) for detailed information on how I got it working in 8.1 and 9.0 (SharreaDay).
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