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Mailing Lists

There are several mailing-lists run by Mandriva for newbies, experts, paranoids, etc, in different languages.

There are lists for Support ([email protected], [email protected]), Developers' Lists, Mandriva Community newsletter & Security lists. Descriptions of the Developers' and Security lists can be found at On the same page you can subscribe to the Mandriva Community Newsletter.

Many newbies find the newbie list to be very helpful.

Expert mailing list member David Guntner has kindly provided an alternate mailing list for the Newbie and Expert mailing lists. These lists are run by Mailman rather than Sympa, and can be a good alternate way for Mandriva users to communicate when the Sympa lists are down.


[edit] Subscribing / Unsubscribing

  1. To see what lists are available:
  2. To sub/unsub newbie or expert on the web:
  3. To use email: Mail to [email protected] with the command in the subject and body (just to be sure). Common commands are
    subscribe <list>
    UNSubscribe <list> <YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS>
    SET <list> NOMAIL
    SET <list> MAIL
    SET <list> DIGEST

where <list> = newbie, expert, etc.

[edit] Subscribing / Unsubscribing - alternate lists

  1. To sub/unsub Alt Newbie on the web:
  2. To sub/unsub Alt Expert on the web:
  3. To use email: Mail to [email protected] (for the Newbie list) or [email protected] (for the Expert list) with the command in the subject or body. Common commands are
    unsubscribe <address=<YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS>>

You will be subscribed/unsubscribed to the list coorisponding to the -request address you send the command to.

[edit] Etiquette

See Docs/Support/Mailinglists/Etiquette for guidelines on getting the most out of our mailling lists.

[edit] Mailing List Archives

[edit] FAQ

  1. Is the list down?
    1. If you're not sure wether the list is running or you got unsubbed, check the archives at , , to see if there are recent posts. Keep in mind that the timestamp there will be UTC. Check EricHuff for a timezone table if interested.
  2. Asking the List about the List
    1. If you still need to ask the list if something is wrong, make the subject ** LIST ISSUES ** so the posts will be grouped together and easy to see.

[edit] Sympa help and Other Mandriva List Info

  1. Common commands can be found in the mail headers of posts from the list.. You will need to "View All Headers" or "View Complete Mail Source" or some similar command.
    1. If you are in MS: *Right click on the message and select Properties. Choose the Details tab and select the Message Source Button. Or, in some versions: Open the message and select View, then Options from the drop-down menus. Near the bottom of the screen you'll see a section titled INTERNET HEADERS.
    2. See for more details. (if someone has a better link, please add. Or, add a page if you have one.)

[edit] Sympa Help Text

              SYMPA -- Systeme de Multi-Postage Automatique
                       (Automatic Mailing System)

                                User's Guide

SYMPA is an electronic mailing-list manager that automates list management
functions such as subscriptions, moderation, and archive management.

All commands must be sent to the electronic address 

You can put multiple commands in a message. These commands must appear in the
message body and each line must contain only one command. The message body
is ignored if the Content-Type is different from text/plain but even with
crasy mailer using multipart and text/html for any message, commands in the
subject are recognized.

Available commands are:

 HELp                        * This help file
 INFO                        * Information about a list
 LISts                       * Directory of lists managed on this node
 REView <list>               * Displays the subscribers to <list>
 WHICH                       * Displays which lists you are subscribed to
 SUBscribe <list> <GECOS>    * To subscribe or to confirm a subscription to
                               <list>, <GECOS> is an optional information
                               about subscriber.

 UNSubscribe <list> <EMAIL>  * To quit <list>. <EMAIL> is an optional 
                               email address, usefull if different from
                               your "From:" address.
 UNSubscribe * <EMAIL>       * To quit all lists.

 SET <list|*> NOMAIL         * To suspend the message reception for <list>
 SET <list|*> DIGEST         * Message reception in compilation mode
 SET <list|*> SUMMARY        * Receiving the message index only
 SET <list|*> MAIL           * <list> reception in normal mode
 SET <list|*> CONCEAL        * To become unlisted (hidden subscriber address)
 SET <list|*> NOCONCEAL      * Subscriber address visible via REView

 INDex <list>                * <list> archive file list
 GET <list> <file>           * To get <file> of <list> archive
 LAST <list>                 * Used to received the last message from <list>
 INVITE <list> <email>       * Invite <email> for subscribtion in <list>
 CONFIRM <key>               * Confirmation for sending a message (depending
                               on the list's configuration)
 QUIT                        * Indicates the end of the commands (to ignore a

The following commands are available only for lists's owners or moderators:

 ADD <list> user@host First Last * To add a user to a list
 DEL <list> user@host            * To delete a user from a list
 STATS <list>                    * To consult the statistics for <list>
 EXPire <list> <old> <delay>     * To begin an expiration process for <list>
                                   subscribers who have not confirmed their
                                   subscription for <old> days. The
                                   subscribers have <delay> days to confirm
 EXPireINDex <list>              * Displays the current expiration process
                                   state for <list>
 EXPireDEL <list>                * To de-activate the expiration process for

 REMIND <list>                   * Send a reminder message to each
                                   subscriber (this is a way to inform
                                   anyone what is his real subscribing

Powered by Sympa 2.7.3 :

[edit] Mailman help and Other Alternate Mandriva List Info

  1. This works just like above. Common commands can be found in the mail headers of posts from the list.. You will need to "View All Headers" or "View Complete Mail Source" or some similar command.
    1. If you are in MS: *Right click on the message and select Properties. Choose the Details tab and select the Message Source Button. Or, in some versions: Open the message and select View, then Options from the drop-down menus. Near the bottom of the screen you'll see a section titled INTERNET HEADERS.
    2. See for more details. (if someone has a better link, please add. Or, add a page if you have one.)

[edit] Mailman Help Text

This is email command help for version 2.1.6 of the "Mailman"
list manager.  The following describes commands you can send to get
information about and control your subscription to Mailman lists at
this site.  A command can be in the subject line or in the body of the

Note that much of the following can also be accomplished via the World
Wide Web, at:
            (For Alt Newbie list)
            (For Alt Expert list)

In particular, you can use the Web site to have your password sent to
your delivery address.

List specific commands (subscribe, who, etc) should be sent to the
*-request address for the particular list, e.g. for the 'mailman'
list, use 'mailman-request@...'.

About the descriptions - words in "<>"s signify REQUIRED items and
words in "[]" denote OPTIONAL items.  Do not include the "<>"s or
"[]"s when you use the commands.

The following commands are valid:

    confirm <confirmation-string>
        Confirm an action.  The confirmation-string is required and should be
        supplied by a mailback confirmation notice.

        Stop processing commands.  Use this if your mail program automatically
        adds a signature file.

        Print this help message.

        Get information about this mailing list.

        See a list of the public mailing lists on this GNU Mailman server.

    password [<oldpassword> <newpassword>] [address=<address>]
        Retrieve or change your password.  With no arguments, this returns
        your current password.  With arguments <oldpassword> and <newpassword>
        you can change your password.

        If you're posting from an address other than your membership address,
        specify your membership address with `address=<address>' (no brackets
        around the email address, and no quotes!).  Note that in this case the
        response is always sent to the subscribed address.

    set ...
        Set or view your membership options.

        Use `set help' (without the quotes) to get a more detailed list of the
        options you can change.

        Use `set show' (without the quotes) to view your current option

    subscribe [password] [digest|nodigest] [address=<address>]
        Subscribe to this mailing list.  Your password must be given to
        unsubscribe or change your options, but if you omit the password, one
        will be generated for you.  You may be periodically reminded of your

        The next argument may be either: `nodigest' or `digest' (no quotes!).
        If you wish to subscribe an address other than the address you sent
        this request from, you may specify `address=<address>' (no brackets
        around the email address, and no quotes!)

    unsubscribe [password] [address=<address>]
        Unsubscribe from the mailing list.  If given, your password must match
        your current password.  If omitted, a confirmation email will be sent
        to the unsubscribing address. If you wish to unsubscribe an address
        other than the address you sent this request from, you may specify
        `address=<address>' (no brackets around the email address, and no

    who password
        See everyone who is on this mailing list.  The roster is limited to
        list administrators and moderators only; you must supply the list
        admin or moderator password to retrieve the roster.

Commands should be sent to [email protected]   (Alt Newbie list)
                           [email protected]   (Alt Expert list)

Questions and concerns for the attention of a person should be sent to

    [email protected]  (Alt Newbie list)
    [email protected]  (Alt Expert list)
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