From Mandriva Community Wiki
File Systems
Mandriva Linux supports a number of different file systems "out of the box", including:
- ext2
- ext3
- reiserfs
It also has support for file systems from other operating systems, although these are largely read-only.
[edit] Writing to a Windows® NT/2000/XP NTFS hard drive partition
Altering NTFS partitions is supported in a limited way by the kernel shipped with Mandriva Linux, currently only the following are supported:
- Read un/compressed files
- Organise directories
- Loopack reading for mounted files
- Remove files
- Trunc file and expend files.
It is not currently capable of the following:
- Create new files
- Create new directories
- Generate physical links
- Access rights lists
- Access encrypted files
This is accomplished with the help of the Linux-NTFS project
[edit] Mounting ISO images without burning to a CD/DVD
Open up a console program (e.g. konsole ) and type:
mount -o loop -t iso9660 <isofilename> <mountpoint>