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Asterisk on Mandriva

Asterisk (*) - The Open Source Linux PBX in Mandriva Linux

Asterisk related info, hardware, softwares, notes, memos and such.


[edit] Hardware

Where to buy Asterisk hardware in the EU?

  • (Germany)
    • Currently they sell the "Dev Kit (PCI)" (184,44€ [incl. VAT], 159,00€ [excl.VAT]) that seems to be a good startpoint.
    • If you have BRI lines you could buy the quad port interfaces by Beronet or you could buy those cheap ISDN cards by Billion. You can use PayPal for the payment and that works great! Shipping seems instant.
  • (Finland, the site is Finnish only)
  • (Denmark, the site is Danish only)
  • (England)

[edit] Hardware Phones

[edit] Software Phones

  • iaxcomm (IAX2 soft phone, make sure sound is working and asterisk is not running on the client system)
  • kiax (IAX2 soft phone, make sure sound is working and asterisk is not running on the client system)
  • kphone (SIP soft phone)
  • ohphone (H.323 soft phone)
  • linphone (SIP, RTP soft phone)
  • sflphone (SIP, STUN soft phone)
  • Microsoft Windows soft phones, which, where?

[edit] Notes

  • Try to stay away from those cheap X100P FXO (digium and clones) sold on ebay and all over the place. These cards may work for some, but depends heavily on the telco and its standards...
  • If you are into electronics you could probably build your own PCI interfaces, the schemas and specs are Open Source too, look here: (this is where it all started)
  • Remember this SIP, IAX, VoIP, etc. technology is relatively new, and finding a good affordable "hardware" phone seems to be hard. The makers brag about this and that feature but look out for proprietary "additions" to the SIP protocol for example. The Snom 360 phone seems very cool as it uses embedded Linux inside, and that could mean endless possibilities.
  • ISDN Signalling is not easy. I have worked in the telecom business a short while for a company that sold ad sponsored, pre-paid, rating, systems to approx. 23+ countries all in all. (BTW. the company was named Iquity Systems Inc. (fd. Gratistel International)).
  • ISDN is really a pain because very few countries use the same standards... I don't speak ISDN, so please don't ask me :)
  • SS7 signalling? Yes, please try asterisk-chan_ss7 or the commercial asterisk version by digium, also check here:
  • Are you allowed by your provider to connect your telephony hardware to their system? Check this *_before_* buying the hardware.
  • In the future we might be plagued by spam over the phone (voip, etc.)... No solutions (think SpamAssassin) that I'm aware of exist to prevent this other than the built-in blacklisting capabilities in Asterisk.
  • Current commercial IP telephony systems (Cicso, etc.) seem to have a problem in that if someone inside the company calls an emergency number (in Sweden 112) the telephone operator at the emergency center cannot trace who was calling. Pretty serious flaw if you ask me.
  • Is carrier grade hardware required these days?
  • A lot of work has been done to the asterisk packages in Mandriva. A lot of new addon packages have landed too, please check it out.

[edit] Packages in Mandriva (for x86 and x86_64)

  • amp - Asterisk Managment Portal (AMP)
  • asterisk-addons - Additional addons for Asterisk
  • asterisk-app_fastsms - Global SMS delivery for Asterisk, without using valuable PRI resources
  • asterisk-app_icd - ICD - Intelligent Call Distributor system
  • asterisk-app_iconv - Iconv application module for the Asterisk PBX
  • asterisk-app_ldap - LDAPget application module for the Asterisk PBX
  • asterisk-app_notify - Notify application module for the Asterisk PBX
  • asterisk-app_nv_backgrounddetect - Background with Fax Detection for IAX/SIP/ZAP and the Asterisk PBX
  • asterisk-app_nv_faxdetect - Fax Detection for IAX/SIP/ZAP and the Asterisk PBX
  • asterisk - Asterisk PBX
  • asterisk-chan_capi-cm - Asterisk ISDN CAPI channel driver
  • asterisk-chan_misdn - This module adds mISDN support to the Asterisk PBX
  • asterisk-chan_sccp - Extended Skinny open source channel driver for the Asterisk PBX
  • asterisk-chan_ss7 - This module adds SS7 protocol support to the Asterisk PBX
  • asterisk-devel - Header files for building Asterisk modules
  • asterisk-docs - The Hitchhiker's Guide to Asterisk
  • asterisk-plugins-capi - Common ISDN API 2.0 implementation for Asterisk
  • asterisk-plugins-fax - FAX plugins for Asterisk
  • asterisk-plugins-odbc - ODBC plugins for Asterisk
  • asterisk-plugins-pgsql - PostgreSQL plugins for Asterisk
  • asterisk-plugins-sqlite - SQLite plugins for Asterisk
  • asterisk-plugins-tds - FreeTDS plugins for Asterisk
  • asterisk-prepaid - Prepaid and Calling Card billing modules for Asterisk
  • asterisk-rate-engine - Least cost routing for Asterisk, as well as CDR logging
  • asterisk-res_bonjour - Bonjour (aka Rendezvous, aka Zeroconf) module for the Asterisk PBX
  • asterisk-sounds - Sound files for the Asterisk PBX and telephony application and toolkit
  • asterisk-stat - Asterisk-Stat : CDR Analyser
  • asterisk-webvmail - Web frontend to voicemail
  • dkms-zaptel - Kernel drivers for the Zapata Telephony Interface
  • gsm - Shared libraries for GSM speech compressor
  • libgsm1-devel - Development libraries for a GSM speech compressor
  • libgsm1 - Shared libraries for GSM speech compressor
  • libilbc0-devel - Static library and header files for the iLBC library
  • libilbc0 - Internet Low Bitrate Codec (iLBC) library
  • libspandsp0 - Steve's SpanDSP library for telephony spans
  • libspandsp0-devel - Header files and libraries needed for development with SpanDSP
  • libmidcom1 - The MIDCOM SIMCO protocol and Timer library
  • libmidcom1-devel - Static library and header files for the libmidcom library
  • libiax0 - IAX (Inter Asterisk eXchange) Library
  • libiax0-devel - IAX (Inter Asterisk eXchange) Development Package
  • liblpc10_1-devel - LPC-10 2400 bps Voice Coder headers files
  • liblpc10_1 - The shared LPC-10 2400 bps Voice Coder Library
  • libmisdn0-devel - Static library and header files for the mISDN libraries
  • libmisdn0 - Modular ISDN (mISDN) libraries
  • libnbs1-devel - Development files for the Network Broadcast Sound Daemon Library
  • libnbs1 - Network Broadcast Sound Daemon Library
  • libosptk0-devel - Static library and header files for the libosp library
  • libosptk0 - The OSP Toolkit(tm) shared library
  • libpri1 - An implementation of Primate and Basic Rate ISDN
  • libpri1-devel - Development libraries and headers for libpri
  • libpri-utils - Various tools for libpri diagnostics
  • libtonezone1-devel - Development files for the Zapata Telephony Interface Library
  • libtonezone1 - The shared Zapata Telephony Interface Library
  • libzap1-devel - Zapata Telecom Library development files
  • libzap1 - Shared Zapata Telecom Library
  • lpc10 - LPC-10 2400 bps Voice Coder
  • nbs-client - Network Broadcast Sound Daemon (Client Listener)
  • nbs-server - Network Broadcast Sound Daemon
  • osp-tools - Various utilities for the libosp library
  • voiceone - VoiceOne is a web application to easily set up and manage an Asterisk server
  • xmms-nbs - NBS Output plugin for XMMS
  • zaptel-tools - Various tools for the Zapata Telephony Interface
  • asterisk-app_authenticate_ldap - Authenticate_LDAP application module for the Asterisk PBX
  • asterisk-app_backticks - app_backticks module for the Asterisk PBX
  • asterisk-app_conference - A channel-independent conference application for the Asterisk PBX
  • asterisk-app_contest - app_contest module for the Asterisk PBX
  • asterisk-app_distributor - app_distributor module for the Asterisk PBX
  • asterisk-app_event - app_event module for the Asterisk PBX
  • asterisk-app_intercept - app_intercept module for the Asterisk PBX
  • asterisk-app_valetparking - app_valetparking module for the Asterisk PBX
  • asterisk-format_base64 - format_base64 module for the Asterisk PBX
  • gsutil - A utility to save, restore and reboot Grandstream Budgetone phones
  • open79xx - Open79XX XML Directory
  • op_panel - Flash Operator Panel is a switchboard type application for the Asterisk PBX

[edit] Caveats

  • In the README.MDK file for asterisk in Mandriva Linux you can read that crucial functions such as MOH (Music On Hold) require/demand/like a hardware timing device (provided by the Digium hardware). No patches I'm aware of exist to get around this (I could be wrong?). I urge you to read that file or correct me. Thanks.
  • As this technology is relatively new, don't expect people on IRC channels, mailinglists, etc. to help you for free. (duh!)

[edit] Why?

  • You want to have full control of your (company) PBX.
  • You want to be able to upgrade, add/remove value at will.
  • You are comfortable with Open Source and are used to it.
  • You are truly a geek, you wrote the code!.
  • It's just so cool and..., geeky?.
  • put something interesting here.

[edit] Why not?

  • Your telco may prohibit it.
  • You may find that up-scaling may not work (based on my brief research), you may find that a commercial PBX is cheaper (cpu interrups has a cost you know...).
  • Time is worth a lot to you. Picture yourself glued to the phone testing and evaluating...
  • You never use the phone.
  • Only geeks will use it?
  • Security issues.
  • put something interesting here.

[edit] Standards

  • Welcome to the world of protocols and standards, not?....
  • To my knowledge I know of no other Open Source software in the world that uses this many protocols and standards..., please correct me if I'm wrong.
  • put boring RFC's here.
  • put more boring info here.

[edit] Links

[edit] Numbering plans

  • Join the #asterisk channel at freenode IRC

Good luck with your Mandriva Linux Asterisk system!

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