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[edit] Interface changes for Mandrake 9.1

[edit] Bookmarks

  • Use more explicit names for Mandrake's bookmarks. For example, MandrakeStore? can be named "Shop" or "Buy new products" and MandrakeExpert? "Support" or "Get support"
  • Update icons for each Mandrake's web site

[edit] Mandrake theme

[edit] Why? Which? What?

  • Why a Mandrake's theme for 9.1
    • Because our competitors (RedHat, SuSE, Conectiva) created theme and try to come on Desktop market
    • To unify applications look (users don't care to know if application they use is a GNOME one or a KDE one)
    • To push our image
  • Which applications will use this theme?
    • GTK 1, GTK 2 and Qt applications because it is impossible to support easily other toolkits. This means that applications which don't use these toolkits should not be installed by default.
    • DrakX should use as much as possible the Mandrake's theme. Goal is to have a coherent visual identity in all our product.
  • What will be themed?
    • look of windows
    • look of widgets
    • all icons (desktop, file manager, panel, menu)
    • position and size of icons on Desktop, on panel and in menu
    • splash screen (the one visible when GNOME and KDE starts)
    • double click (KDE will use double clic to open a file or directory ; GNOME already does this) - Done
    • Desktop's keyboard shortcuts (it can't be done for applications in GNOME at present time) - Postponed for 9.2
    • K menu and Gnome menu (we need to find a name and an icon for them) - Postponed for 9.2
    • Button used on Windows compatible keayboard to emulate a right clic should emulate a right clic - Postponed for 9.2

[edit] GNOME

  • Is it possible to set the GDK_XFT variable by default to have anti-aliasing when a GNOME 2 application is lauched in KDE? (c) Eugenia in SuSE Linux 8.1 Professional review - done in 9.0

[edit] KDE

Things to theme in KDE:

  • icons
  • Qt style
  • KDE window manager theme

Notes about KDE theme in SuSE Linux 8.1 They are using:

  • Keramik Qt theme
  • Conectiva Crystal icon theme
  • their own KDE window manager theme
  • buttons of window manager are really narrow and you literallly have to carefully "target" them with your mouse. (c) Eugenia
  • there are no handles ("grab bars") in the resizing part of the windows (always nice to have a visual representation for the resizing handles). (c) Eugenia

[edit] OpenOffice

Lycoris theme for OpenOffice

  • [[1][Lycoris WebPage]]
  • PDF
  • Images

[edit] Webmin icons

[edit] XMMS

[edit] GNOME

  • Menu: find a name for menu to not have "Applications -> Applications" in entries

TODO if possible for 9.1

  • Nautilus: when Nautilus is used as a file manager and tree view is enable, allow user to open sub tree by clicking (using simple click) on a folder. At present time user need to click on a little arrow, which is nor easy nor obvious. - Update:: it seems to be a GTK+ limitation
  • Nautilus: when Nautilus is used as a file manager and tree view is enable, refresh and open tree view at the current location when user open a directory in the right part of file manager. It means that if user open $HOME/Documents/Photo/halloween2001/ folder in the right part of the file manager, tree view should be open at $HOME/Documents/Photo/halloween2001/ too and not stay in the same state than the one it was when user left it last time he used it. - Update:: it seems to be a GTK+ limitation

[edit] Fonts

The objective is to add support for fontconfig, the new common font configuration library. This project will be part of XFree 4.3 but is already available as a separate component until XFree 4.3 is released.

Support for fontconfig (and Xft2, the new font rendering engine) is already available in the two major X toolkits, QT and GTK+.

Third-party applications (such as mozilla, abiword) are currently implementing support for fontconfig.

DrakFont needs to be modified to support the new fontconfig configuration file format, which is a XML file.

[edit] KDE

   *  Kdesktop & Konqueror: Replace simple click by double click in Kdesktop and Konqueror(DONE)
   * Add a variable to tell Mandrake apps they are running under KDE so they need to use kdesu and not usermode
   * Kdesktop: Removable media should appear on desktop only when they are available (one exception: floppy disc). They should also appear in user directory structure in Konqueror to allow users to access to floppy disc and to not force them to go on Desktop
   * Applications menu: Allow sort of K menu structure via menu ( see SortOrder KServiceGroup ) easy : add in .directory SortOrder=toto.desktop,titi.desktop allow to sort it by language and not but desktop file name
   * Kdesktop: In kdesktop, don't wrap icons names in a word (for example, don't cut "Community" in "Commun" and "ity" - Postponed for 9.2
   * Animated icons for directories? - Postponed for 9.2
   * Fix euro in Konsole (DONE)
   * Clean logout dialog box (see XP)
   * Alway display the same dialog box when user log out (it should be the same in init 3 or 5)
   * Konqueror: in toolbar, move "Up" button to the right of "Forward" button (DONE)
   * Konqueror: in toolbar, move "Up" button in files manager profile (DONE)
   * Right clic on a PS file should allow to convert it in PDF and other formats (DONE)
   * Right clic on a PDF file should allow to convert it in PS and other formats (DONE)
   * Right clic on a file shouls allow to compress it. It should use gz, bz2 and zip for compression. Also use stuffit if it is available in PATH (DONE)
   * Right clic on a compressed file should allow to uncompress it (DONE)
   * Right clic on a directory should allow to create an archive (compressed or not). It should use gz, bz2 and zip for compression. Also use stuffit if it is available in PATH (DONE)
   * $TMP should point on ~/tmp/ and not on /tmp/ in kdialogbox (DONE)
   * Key used on Windows compatible keayboard to emulate a right clic should emulate a right clic - Postponed for 9.2
   * Second Windows menu key should open K menu (first Windows menu key should also open K menu) - Postponed for 9.2
   * Add floppy/cdrom in konqueror sidebar - Postponed for 9.2
   * Redesign KDM (something in GDM/XP/OS X style) (DONE)
   * Change default color in kmail ( see kde2.2.2 )
   * Synchronize default color in kmail and knode
   * Auto-configure spell check in kcontrol - Postponed for 9.2
   * Make depend koffice-i18n to spell package otherwise kword/kpresenter doesn't have spell checking (DONE)
   * Split kdenetwork ( => extract kppp from package todo when kde3.1 will released) (DONE)
   * Allow user or administrator to disable:
         o Lock Screen Postponed for 9.2
         o Logout screen in K menu. Goal is to allow administrator to forbid usage of these actions. Logout/Shutdown applet should be also removed if one of these actions is disable - Postponed for 9.2
   * Kautorun - Postponed for 9.2
   * Split kpackage from kdeadmin and don't install by default. Goal is to not confuse user with RPMDrake because kpackage doesn't handle dependencies (which is not good at all for Joe user who doesn't even know what is a dependency) -(DONE) Postponed for 9.2
   * Test khelpcenter : doc ! Pb in 9.0 some doc didn't work
   * Create a virtual package with all servicemenu (DONE)
   * Use simple click in tree view and double clic (when user click on a folder). Goal is to have same feature as in Windows XP file browser. Note: it is true that Windows 98 didn't use simple click to open folders in tree view but Windows 98 is an old version of Windows. So, we choose to use the same feature as in the most recent version of Windows.(DONE)
   * Konqueror: when Konqueror is in Web browser mode, allow user to view Document source using ctrl-u shortcut. Allow user to view page information using ctrl-i shortcut. ctrl-u is choosed because Mozilla use the same shortcut for the same action. ctrl-i is choosed because this shortcut is available under Konqueror, because the i key is the next key available after the u key (used to view Document source). Please note that ctrl-i shortcut open informations about page under Mozilla but this feature is available under Konqueror. (DONE)
   * Move configurations modules from kcontrol in optional packages when they conflict whit MCC
   * Create mandrakegalaxy interface (DONE)
   * Add sound icon in panel to allow quick setup of sound level

Bugs to fix :

   * Right clic on a icon, choose rename. Name is not correctly refreshed so you can see a piece of original name during edition (you can test qith "bureau2.bmp") bug qt see with qt3.1 tested with last qt and it works ! (FIXED in qt3.1)
   * Tiff images are not visible in embedded mode in Konqueror
   * Kicker: when files or windows are named with a number, sort them for human and not for computer scientists. It means that windows named 1 to 20 should be sorted like that 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 and not like that 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
   * Fix drag'n drop in Konqueror (multiple views)
   * Fix kdm reboot: use right kernel (DONE)
   * Fix kcontrol -> khelpcenter search with htdig
   * Fix menu entry (kdeedu)
   * Fix "send file" in konqueror when it's a directory => disable action or bzip directory ... (DONE)
   * Fix copy/paste + "file:/" => remove "file:/" otherwise in konsole we can't make cd + paste url as file:/home/ (DONE)
   * Fix kdm -> kdesktop : => blank image ! Reapply kde3.0 patch (DONE)
   * Fix kicker menu entry (DONE)
   * Fix menu entry (education)
   * Recreate simplified menu
   * Test kdemultimedia missing all menu entry Pb with compile. (DONE)
   * Fix htdig compile.(DONE)
   * Fix all kde package description
   * Test qt3.1 (DONE) required by kde3.1
   * Change group of kde-i18n/koffice-i18n => System /internationalization (DONE) verify it with rpmdrake
   * Test if kde is in good group
   * Test info:/ in konqueror and other kioslave fish:/ etc...
   * When use "Find" in QMultiLineEdit, highlight the found word - Postponed for 9.2
   * connect action cut/copy to selectionChanged signal from QMultilinEdit to konqueror (DONE: David Faure)
   * Add item "Clear history" in khtml/lineedit because when we write passwd in a bad lineedit (for example in "grw") we couldn't clear this history (DONE)
   * Fix kdesktoplinks (DONE)
   * Fix servicemenu entry : test if application is installed on computer. (DONE)
   * Fix conflict between kdebase -> kdenetwork => lanbrowser.desktop (DONE)
   * Fix all MDK i18n string => send mail to pablo.(DONE)
   * kcontrol not in menu:Configuration/KDE
   * khelpcenter seems non fonctionnal for man pages : in fact, it now enfore double click instead of single click ... for sections selection this seems to affect konqueror too sometimes (DONE)
   * how can one use aa fonts through xft on konsole ?
   * qt doc is in /usr/share/doc/qt-3.1.0/doc/html/html/ maybe removing an html directory would be fine :-) (DONE)
   * assistant is mis packaged and look for /home/lmontel/... (see screenshot)(DONE)
   * konqueror: it should have the same option of other tabbed browsers : aka the ability to specify that opening something in a new tab should not switch to that tab
   * Fix servicemenu entry : add tryExec to allow to display or not entrymenu in konqueror (DONE)
   * Mise en place du "copy with quote" dans kmail
   * Disable "remove properties directory"
   * Allow to use CTRL+W in konqueror URL => we remove all left text as in bash (DONE)
   * Unify all tab shortcut => CRTL + right key and CTRL + left key (DONE)
   * Kate fix word wrap + indent (when we press "enter" key)
   * Kate : not possible to use backspace to remove character when line is wordwrap.
   * Kate : fix undo redo delete test, redo doesn't make redo at good cursor position...
   * lisa: readd menu entry in Kcontrol to allow users to configure lisa
   * Fix big space between icon and icon text
   * Slow MDKKDM when it make the Gwénolé (DONE)

To define if it is possible for 9.1 :

   * Ok button on the right and Cancel button on the left in dialog box - Postponed for 9.2
   * Clic 1/2 - Postponed for 9.2
   * allow removable media to be umouted and eject by drag'n drop on trash. It doesn't replace right clic/eject but it completes it - Postponed for 9.2
   * Allow cd burning using drag'n drop on CD writer icon on desktop - Postponed for 9.2
   * Triple clic select all the line (DONE)
   * Merge bookmark from root user and user - Postponed for 9.2
   * Allow spellchecking in edit area in Konqueror(DONE) (not only this, better make KHTML use the KTextEditor interface) - Postponed for 9.2
   * Add possibility for screensaver to define corner where to lock it.(DONE)
   * Add Aegyten crypto module for kmail (DONE) all commited in contrib but it's not perfect, it's not auto-config => will be fixed before 9.1
   * Add "Send image directly" (DONE)
   * Fix disable/enable amor programm when we stop/start screensaver (DONE commited in CVS)
   * Fix copy/paste from kmail-> display mail. CRTL+C is not intercepted by this page.
   * Allow to move tab in konqueror : CRTL+ATL+left/right (DONE commited in CVS)
   * Allow to open new page after current page (DONE commited in CVS )
   * Allow to regenerate index in kmail.
   * Allow to launch a "kill dialogbox" when a application is frozen
   * Fix invokeHelp => change khelpcenter page by dcop call ( DONE)
   * Create Mdk app for launch specific khelpcenter page (DONE)
   * Fix kmail allows to remove attach element from mbox
   * Add new konq feature "Reload all Tab" "Reload tab" (DONE) commited in CVS
   * Use rebootin to reboot kdm/mdkkdm => it fixes problem with grub (DONE)
   * Fix kdm don't display name\nusername when name == username, display just name (DONE)
   * Allows khtml to spell check (DONE)
   * Launch appli by menu name in kdesktop -> ALT+F2(DONE)

Important fix before 9.1 :

   * Fix mdkkdm
   * Fix mdk theme
   * Verify menu entry, fix menu entry
   * Rebuild all kde package before RC2
   * Fix icons
   * Verify khelpcenter + doc
   * Add translate string in kdebase-kdelibs (DONE)
   * Fix konsole font/kde fonts (DONE)
   * Default AA font (DONE)
   * Split and fix package ( see bug to kpackage ) (DONE)
   * Fix order in kde menu
   * Fix kdevelop generate project problem with autoconf/automake (DONE)
   * Fix launch mandrake-galaxy in other windows manager (DONE)
   * Fix load good colors at startup (DONE)
   * Fix crash in konqueror ( plugins )
   * Test konqueror with java + plugins
   * Test konqueror-servicemenu (DONE)
   * Fix root interface (kicker too small )(DONE)
   * Disable clock in kicker(DONE)
   * For 9.2, fix mdkkdm => "a warning in red font if Caps Lock is on while the user types" as old kdm
   * Fix service-menu (DONE)
   * Fix kcmshell kdm default value ( otherwise it breaks mdk config)(DONE)
   * Sort color name (DONE)
   * Rename galaxy -> Galaxy (DONE)
   * Verify print/display ps/pdf file in kghostview
   * Fix noatun...
   * Fix konqueror file sharing (DONE)
   * Fix gnome theme apply varible (see fred mail )
   * Fix kate -> kfiledialogbox + speedbar => give focus to location lineedit(DONE)
   * Fix lose focus when we rename file in konqueror ( see dadou bug)
   * Fix explore zip package
   * Fix kdebase-konqbrowser two entries (DONE)
   * Fix kwin when we remove galaxy-kwin-kde (DONE)
   * Mandrake galaxy icon on desktop (DONE)
   * Move indexhtml ( fix bug when we install a mini-cooker :) ) (DONE)
   * Fix thai "drapeau" in chinese install
   * Fix knode passwd dialogbox, text cut
   * For 9.2 : fix two trash when we change language Very important !!!!!
   * For 9.2 : use safari feature ( dadou asked me :) )
   * Fix kmail + hours ( see dadou bug )

TODO for 9.2: 'would be nice, when uploading a file (for instance, a patch in bugzilla) to have a checkbox to disable warning popup for next time ; choice for tab size : free / maximum up to XXX pixels ; when middle clicking (configured to open in background) on 2 slow url, only the last one is displayed - localy resolved url (for instance, resolve qa => )  ; when closing a tab, going to next tad instead of previous tab (or at least, have a configuration option).

also a bug: clicking on a tab make tabs bar scrolling right until the clicked tab is the last on the right screen.

imho, there should be no scrolling !! bug: open links after current page option does not work: newly opened tabs are placed at the end of the tabs bar the "allow images only from this site" option is very useful in other browsers

full screen mode with only the khtml widget and maybe a button to switch back to windowed mode (or just a new item in the contextuel menu)

Fix konqueror logout => re-open with sidebar open :(

Please do NOT switch the order of Ok and Cancel ! Did you see how much trouble it caused Gnome? Users have taken the habit of the current button order, it's VERY consistent all over KDE, changing it would be a disaster. Please do not talk about Windows compatibility, IIRC I checked and Windows isn't consistent on this at all. (David Faure)

[edit] Root desktop

  • Clean menu structure (keep only configuration's applications and Terminals)
  • Modify Mandrake's theme to be alarming

[edit] Howto

  • redesign HTML page

[edit] indexhtml

  • Texts need to be validated by marketing team. Web team is not allowed to modify them because they dislike marketing's texts
  • Don't put the whole list of Mandrake's site at top of this page. Width is to important so a bottom scrollbar appears and this is not nice at all
  • Redesign: design was created for 8.0 so it is outdated
  • Use as URL for security updates

[edit] documentation available on CD 1 (installation CD)

All texts need to be updated. Following points need to be fixed:

  • Replace the "Linux-Mandrake" image visible in HTML documentation by a "Mandrake Linux" one
  • Update documentation to speak of 8.2 and 9.0 distributions
  • Update documentation to speak of Windows 2000 and Windows XP (and not only of 95/98/ME)
  • Remove documentation on "Linux for Win". We no longer provide this feature for age
  • Text files need to be readable under Windows. At present time, they are not because they are in Unix text format
  • Stop to speak of RedHat and Glint
  • Update copyright (still say 2001 on 9.0)
  • Update links (for example, link about support is wrong)

[edit] DrakX ads

  • Define a size for each image, RESPECT it and please don't RESIZE it
  • Recreate them all from scratch. Texts are too poor and too old (created for 8.0) to be used in 9.x
  • To translate by professionals
  • Use one image + translation by ad and by language
  • No longer use automatic text placement. Fonts are too ugly, texts are positioned according to english ads and some people make modifications in translation without ask marketing people

[edit] Mail readers

  • Use Spamassasin to filter spam
    • For Kmail see:
    • Evolution 1.2 supports external scripts for filter, need to be investigated by FredericCrozat
    • Mozilla 1.3 will have support for spam detection.
  • At first start ask user to configure mail reader using a Mandrake's tool based on old Mandrake First Time. This tool should configure all supported mail readers (at least Kmail, Evolution and Mozilla).

[edit] Mandriva applications

Notes about tools

  • Text mode is no longer supported (ie not extensively developped) except for XFdrake and keyboardrake

[edit] Installation

  • DrakX
    • Dialog boxes to redesign :
      • Add user. It seems that a lot of users doesn't understand Done/Add buttons
      • autologin
      • Mouse configuration. Look uses 8.x icon style. Buttons used for mouse whell configuration are ugly
      • TV cards configuration
    • TODO :
      • Use GTK2
      • Help: to rewrite. It's not synchronized with screen it should describe and contains more "blabla" (at least in translations) than real help
      • Help: remove help area displayed at bottom of screen. Place a buton right bottom of screen. This buton open the old are when user click on it
      • Summary dialog box: when some modifications are done from summary dialog box, each window should display an icon witch match with things which are configured and not the one of summary dialog box. Examples: use a mouse icon when user configure its mouse, a TV icon when user configure its TV card, etc.
      • Select packages to install: change color of tool type. At present time it's the same than background so tool types are very unreadable
      • Formating partitions step: add a progress bar
      • When a NTFS partition is detected, don't put "NT" entry in LILO if we are not sure it is really an Windows NT partition and not a Windows 2000 or XP one
    • TODO if possible :
      • Create a theme for partially-sighted person

[edit] Existing applications

  • bootsplash
    • change image
    • size of "central image" should be the same as the image used for bootloader and for first image used at the begining of installation
    • remove all informations about boot process and keep only informations about which group of services is starting.
    • Press escape key allow user to see all informations (switch to console), even if the computer doesn't boot because a service stop boot process
    • Press i key allow user to start service one by one. Switch to console to do that
    • When a e2fsck is running:
      • don't display it if it is running in automatic mode
      • if a problem appears, switch to console
    • when a service doesn't correctly start:
      • if computer can't start because of this service, next boot should not use bootsplash but traditional console
      • if computer can't start, user should be warned:
        • by a message displayed on first console when computer starts in init 3
        • by a message displayed in KDM/GDM/XDM window if computer starts in init 5 without autologin. User should be asked to desactivate service which don't start or to configure it if a drakxtool can do that (ask for root password before allow user to modify something)
        • by a message displayed on desktop if init 5 with autologin is used. User should be asked to desactivate service which don't start or to configure it if a drakxtool can do that (ask for root password before allow user to modify something)
  • drakconf : remove "Load.... please wait" at startup or replace it by a nice splash screen
  • drakconnect : when connections parameters are modified, apply them to all RTC dialers (Kppp & Co.)
  • draxproxy : apply modifications to all browsers
  • menudrake :
    • TODO:
      • Allow to diplay or not shutdown logout item in kde/gnome environment
      • Display or not bookmark item in kde/gnome
    • Bugs to fix
      • Select a item -> open Extended tab => and double click on item => X freeze !
      • In Area "Available Applications" when we don't have item in this area, we can call menu "Add to menu" . It's a bug. Disable this action when area is empty
  • rpmdrake - Install wizard
    • This application is launched when user click on a RPM on desktop or file managers
    • It allows user to install a new RPM easily
    • It handles dependencies and don't try to explain what life is to user
    • It uses urpmi in background
    • It ask for root password before install something
    • It displays information about package before install it
    • If application provides a menu entry, it puts it on desktop of user who installed this software. It should not install it on desktop of other users. Even they are loged
    • See comments and tips reported in " - SuSE Presents the YaST2 Package Manager.pdf" before write specs. They are a lot of good ideas in this article

[edit] New applications

  • drakcleanup :
    • First step to complete :
      • Warn user when a partition is full
      • Create a popup with a OK button to warn user
      • Allow user to never seen again this pop up
    • Second step to complete :
      • Allow user to cleanup his home
    • Last step to complete :
      • Allow user to log as root and to cleanup other partitions and home directories than his own

[edit] Documentation

  • Define very early in write process what icons will be needed and ask DavidBaudens to have them
  • HTML documentation: use our Web charter
  • PDF documentation: to redifine to have something more clean and more easy to read
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