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This page is a list of abbreviated redirects to articles mainly in the Meta namespace. It's not complete, please add what you find as far as it's no nonsense. There's a complete list of pages in the main namespace starting with WM: organized as special page.

[edit] Shortcuts

Pagename Redirect
Category:Top level CAT:CAT
Category:HouseKeeping CAT:HK
Category:Developers CAT:DEV
Category:Policies CAT:POL
Category:Projects CAT:PRJ
Policies/Support POL:PRS

[edit] Creating shortcuts

This is an example, in practice a shortcut WM:BABEL for Meta:Babel saving two keystrokes would be pointless.

Edit page [[WM:BABEL]] like this:

#REDIRECT [[Meta:Babel]] [[Category:Shortcuts]]

Maybe add a sort key to the category, but don't forget that WM: is no real namespace, specifying {{PAGENAME}} is redundant, because it's the default sort order in the main namespace.

For further technical and other considerations compare [[w:en:WP:SHORT]] (but the main point is that this link to a shortcut elsewhere works).

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