From Mandriva Community Wiki
Drakwizard information:
- needed RPM
- capabilities, main goal and detailled features
- shortcut to launch it from command line
- if they use LibConf
- TODO list
Contents |
[edit] WEB server Apache
need apache-mpm-prefork-2.0.54 (not yet tested with 2.2 version)
Main goal: create a default configuration file for apache
use LibConf: NO
quick way to launch it from command line:
drakwizard apache2
detailled features:
- enable/disable intranet/internet access to web server
- enable/disable user_mod
- specify documentroot
- add virtual host support ?
[edit] DNS server
need Bind server 9.3
Main goal: create a DNS server, slave server, add or remove host (server only)
use LibConf: NO
quick way to launch it from command line:
drakwizard bind
detailled features:
- can choose wich interface to use
- can add external DNS server (/etc/resolv.conf)
- create a root.hints file
- /etc/named.conf
- create all needed files for a zone
- 127.0.0.rev
- ipnet.rev
- dodb
- can add/remove a host in DNS
- be a slave DNS server (with /etc/rndc.key)
- add ipforwarder in configuration (support out of zone IP resolution))
- use rndc key (to get remote access)
- use named-checkconf (to check configuration file)
- add more check (hostname, ip, domainanme)
- increment SERIAL (to easily update Slaver DNS server)
- add on Slave: acl "toto" { { ip du server; ip du slave } } ;
- allow-update { "toto"; };
[edit] DHCP server
tested with dhcp-server 3.0.3
Main goal: create a dhcp-server configuration file
use LibConf: NO
quick way to launch it from command line:
drakwizard dhcp
detailled features:
- can choose wich interface to use
- specify gateway IP address
- enable/disable PXE support (detect PXE boot)
- add static IP/MAC in /etc/dhcpd.conf (host computer1 {hardware ethernet fixed-address})
[edit] NFS file server
need nfs-utils-1.0.7
Main goal: quickly share a directory via NFS server
use LibConf: NO
quick way to launch it from command line:
drakwizard nfs
detailled features:
- add nfs directory (/etc/exports)
- nfs netmask
- nfs access
- remove an existing nfs directory
This tool is no more needed, please now use draknfs to add/remove/modify NFS share.
[edit] FTP server
need proftpd-1.2.10
Main goal: create a default configuration file for proftpd
use LibConf: NO
quick way to launch it from command line:
drakwizard proftpd
detailled features:
- /etc/proftpd.conf
- enable/disable intranet/internet access
- Chroot home user
- specify FTP port
- enable/disable fxp ftp option
- enable/disable chroot home user
- enable/disable resume ftp
- specify email server admin
- enable/disable permit root login
- enable/disable anonymous ftp
- improve security (DefaultRoot,DeferWelcome....)
- rearrange log (xfer, ftp and proftpd)
- FTPS ?
- use another FTP server (pureFTPD ?)
[edit] MAIL server
need postfix 2.2.5
URL: Main goal: create a Main or a relay mail server configuration file for postfix
use LibConf: YES
quick way to launch it from command line:
drakwizard postfix
detailled features:
- /etc/postfix/cf
- smtpd banner
- interface to use
- main options:
- myhostname: internet hostname of this mail system
- myorigin: the domain that locally-posted mail appears to come from
- mydomain: local internet domain name
- mynetworks
- enable/disable verify command
- masquerade domains
- relay server
- relay host
- relay domain
- Message options:
- maximal queue lifetime
- message size limit
- delay warning time
- dedicated tools using LibConf ?
[edit] Samba wizard
tested with samba-server-3.0.20
3 wizards:
- sambashare: add/remove/modify a samba share
- sambaprint: enable/disable printer in samba configuration
- samba: create a PDC/BDC/Standalone samba configuration
use LibConf: YES
quick way to launch it from command line:
drakwizard sambashare drakwizard sambaprint drakwizard samba
detailled features:
- /etc/samba/smb.conf
- sambaprint:
- enable/disable samba printer
- Browseable:
- comment
- Guest ok:
- sambashare:
- support of special share: CDROM, home, profiles
- Public share
- User share
- available options: comment, writable, browseable, create mode, create mask, directory mask, path, public
- advanced options: read list, write list, hide dot files, hide files, valid users, admin users, user own directory, short preserve case, preserver case, force create mode, force group, default case, force directory mode
- samba:
- server banner
- log file
- BDC - backup domain controller (need PDC+LDAP)
- domain master
- security
- wins support
- os level
- local master
- preferred master
- wins server
- domain logons
- domain master
- LDAP administrator
- LDAP password
- LDAP machine suffix
- LDAP user suffix
- LDAP group suffix
- LDAP Passdb backend
- PDC - primary domain controller
- domain master
- security
- domain logons
- wins support
- os level
- Standalone - standalone server
note, please now user draksambashare tool to add/remove/modify Samba share (printers or directory).
[edit] PROXY
tested with squid-2.5
Main goal: create a configuration file for squid server
use LibConf: NO
quick way to launch it from command line:
drakwizard squid
detailled features:
- /etc/squid/
- mem usage
- port used
- disk cache size
- Access control
- proxy cascading (upper proxy)
- access local network
- add squid in 345 runlevel
- check old confgiguration
- check mem parameter
[edit] LDAP
Main goal: Ldap server + posix account
use LibConf: NO
quick way to launch it from command line:
drakwizard ldap
detailled features:
- set ldap server
- /etc/openldap/slapd.conf
- create rootdse default
- create default OU
- lot of work....
[edit] NIS server with autofs map
ypserv-2.17, autofs-4.1
Main goal: create an YP server with autofs MAP (nfs user's home directory)
use LibConf: NO
quick way to launch it from command line:
drakwizard nisautofs
detailled features:
- create needed auto.home auto.master
- add HOMENIS in /etc/exports
- check nisdomain
- add if needed NISDOMAIN in /etc/sysconfig/network
- set correct /etc/yp.conf
- wizard client to set NIS client (no more needed, now please use drakauth)
- Set NIS server /var/yp/Makefile
[edit] Mandrake Install server
need NFS and apache
Main goal: create an install directory accessible via nfs and http
use LibConf: NO
quick way to launch it from command line:
drakwizard installsrv
detailled features:
- copy a Mandriva repository
- export NFS directory (/etc/exports)
- enable http installtion (link in /var/www/html)
- rsync ftp ?
[edit] SSHD server
need openssh-server-4.2.1
Main goal: configure sshd server configuration
use LibConf: YES
quick way to launch it from command line:
drakwizard sshd
detailled features:
- /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- Classical option
- protocol
- sshd port
- listen address
- Permit root login
- Syslogfacility
- Log level
- User login
- Strict mode
- Allow users/Deny users
- Log options:
- Login grace time
- Keep alive
- Print motd
- Print Last login
- Authentication method:
- RSA Authentication
- Pubkey Authentication
- Authorized Keys File
- Password Authentication
- Ignore Rhosts
- Permit Empty Passwords
- X11 Forwarding
- Compression
- a dedicated tool ?
[edit] NEWS server
tested with inn
Main goal:
use LibConf: NO
quick way to launch it from command line:
detailled features:
[edit] Kolab
tested with
Main goal:
use LibConf:
quick way to launch it from command line:
detailled features: