Releases/Mandriva/2006/Xgl Howto

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Using Xgl in Mandriva Linux 2006.0

While not officially supported by Mandriva, Xgl is one of the three advanced X11 technologies that are currently causing a fuss in the X11 Eye Candy department. Many people see Xgl as a stopgap as it does not define any new protocols but cleverly squeazes itself into current X11 models. Xegl is widely seen as the next generation X Server and is what is currently officially planned for inclusion in future Mandriva releases.


[edit] Introduction

Many of us on the mailing list have been thowing about some scripts to automate the building of Xgl on a Mandriva box with a fairly high level of success.

I have decided to create this page such that people can edit the content/scripts here rather than fire emails back and forth.

As the scripts located here build code from CVS there is a fairly high chance that they wont work at some point or other. This could be due to script lacking a new dependancy for example, or you could just be unlucky and capture CVS checkouts at a point in time where the inter-dependant modules are not in sync.

If you have major problems, you can ask on the Cooker mailing list where people may offer you some assistance, but as this is not officially supported by Mandriva, please try and keep mailing list traffic to a minimum so as not to annoy those who don't give a rat's 455 ;)

[edit] Build Script

Here is a script you may find useful:

Future improvements could allow it to update the CVS checkouts and rebuild the code, automatically re-running if is newer than Makefile etc. (tho' it's probably safer to just run it every time).

[edit] Patches

The build script above requires a couple of patches in order to make it run smoothly.

[edit] RPM Installation Mandriva 2006

[edit] For testing only

RPM are built for Mandriva 2006 and located in /opt/xgl, built from CVS (inital release Feb 25 2006), add Opacity plugin in compiz and add svg image on top of the cube. Compiz and its plugins are stores in the gconf registry. Tested on Mandriva 2006 fresh install.

You can download from and use urpmi/rpm to install them or use command urpmi.addmedia xgl-cvs with http address

You must have these rpm installed:

  • compiz-xgl-compat
  • libcairo-xgl-compat
  • libdrm-xgl-compat
  • libglitz-xgl-compat
  • libsvg-cairo-xgl-compat
  • libsvg-xgl-compat
  • mesa-xgl-compat-2006
  • xgl-cvs-060225-0.0.1
  • xorg-xgl-compat-2006

For start Xgl you must stop your current Xorg server and run command /usr/bin/startxgl, this command start a Gnome session, For this time only gnome decoration are support in Compiz, kde decoration is in Compiz TODO list.

[edit] Compiz Plugin list and keyboard shortcuts

See Accelerated Desktop

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