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Using the AIGLX/Xgl 3D Desktop

This document is a list of commands and features available under the AIGLX and Xgl desktop interface, via Compiz .

[edit] Compiz Command List

  • Mouse to top-right corner - Expose-like view all windows on viewport (current desktop) and select required window
  • alt+tab - Switch between windows on current viewport
  • ctrl+alt+tab - Switch between windows on ALL viewports
  • ctrl+alt+down arrow - Slideshow of Viewports (use left and right arrow to scroll)
  • ctrl+alt+left/right arrow - Switch to viewport to the left or right
  • ctrl+alt+drag mouse - Rotate the viewports in a 3D cube-like fashion
  • shift+F9 - desktop ripples - press once to start & again to stop (Xgl feature)
  • shift+F10 - 3D effects slow motion - press once to start & again to stop
  • ctrl+alt+shift+left/right arrow - Move active application window to the next viewport
  • alt+mouse scroll wheel - Adjust the transparency of the active application window
  • ctrl+shift+drag window frame with mouse - Activates "snappy" windows mode. The window frame "sticks" to tool bars, desktop borders and other window frames.

[edit] Other Features

  • Peel away the corners of a maximized window to see the desktop behind by clicking and dragging any part of the maximized window frame and corners towards the center of the screen. The page "peels" away to expose what is behind. Release the mouse button and the window snaps back into place.
  • You can get the Zoom feature to work by assigning a short cut key to it's function in the Compliz set-up tool. I set mine to activate when press ctrl+alt+z.
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