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Products API

This API is supposed to describe Mandriva products available (distribution releases, especially).


Relies on Mandriva Release Spec to identify objects (distribution, release, and so on).

MUST describe:

  • all Mandriva distributions that are shipped (including Community and specific distributions for customers) and supported.
  • each product lifetime,
  • distribution (2006.0), release (2006.0 Official for x86_64), product (Powerpack 2006.0 Official for x86_64).
  • medias,
  • attached services to products

[edit] Returned document formats

UTF-8 encoded XML documents.

Depending on the object, the schema will be different.

[edit] Error document

[edit] List document (list of objects found)

[edit] Release document

[edit] Public methods

[edit] get information on an arbitrary object

HTTP GET on http://api/id?id=[identifier]

Will return a XML-formatted string, depending on the object type (see above).

[edit] get all distributions

HTTP GET on http://api/distribution?

[edit] get distribution (id)

HTTP GET on http://api/id?distribution=Mandriva%40Linux

[edit] get all versions

HTTP GET on http://api/id?version

[edit] get version

HTTP GET on http://api/id?version=2006.0

[edit] get all releases (after /etc/release)

HTTP GET on http://api/id?etc_release

HTTP GET on http://api/id?etc_release=Mandriva%20Linux%20release%202006.1%20(Official)%20for%20i586

[edit] get all products

HTTP GET on http://api/id?product

[edit] get product (type)

HTTP GET on http://api/id?product=PowerPack

[edit] Complex queries

You may make complex queries, when they make sense.

HTTP GET on http://api/id?distribution=2006.0&tag=Official&arch=x86_64&product=PowerPack

will return a XML document listing all matching objects (can be 0, 1 or many), with their respective ids.

To get the detail about an object, you will have to use the http://api/id?id=... query.

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