From Mandriva Community Wiki
Mandriva Web Users API
[edit] User account
A user Mandriva account is identified with a username (currently, the main email address of the user) and a password. Simple as that.
Such an account is supposed to be available through all online Mandriva services (already working: Club, Online, Expert, Forum, Etraining; somewhat working: Store, authenticated downloads; not merged yet: Bugzilla, vacation, cluster).
For now, it's merely a strict Mandriva tool, but it could be enhanced in several ways, which are still under slow investigation during spare time:
- setting a social network on it (integrating with existing ones, and setting up its own); groups handling, etc.
- public profiles, 3rd party identity provider
- relying in part on a 3rd party identity provider (openid, info cards)
- other?
[edit] Still to do
- publish APIs details
- merge bugzilla, vacation (and cluster?) accounts into this user db.
- check OpenID, InfoCard projects
[edit] Wishes
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