2008.1 Beta 2
From Mandriva Community Wiki
The second beta, codenamed Orchis, for Mandriva Linux 2008 Spring (2008.1) is now available. There is information about the new release in various places:
- Mandriva Linux 2008 Spring release notes: these will be updated to reflect the status of the current pre-release.
- Mandriva Linux 2008 Spring Errata: these will be updated to reflect the status of the current pre-release.
- A guide to some major new features of Mandriva Linux 2008 Spring
- The fully detailed technical specifications for Mandriva Linux 2008 Spring: all of these may not be implemented.
Contents |
[edit] Major new features
Major new features in this pre-release include:
[edit] Recognition of other distributions during installation
One of the most often requested features for Mandriva Linux has an initial implementation in this pre-release. The installer now tries to recognize other distributions that are installed on the system already and include them into the boot menu. If you have other distributions installed on your system, and you are confident that you can recover the bootloader manually in case of trouble, please help us test this feature by installing this pre-release and testing whether it correctly recognizes the other distribution(s) you have installed and adds them to the boot menu. If not, please file a bug on the 'Installation' component.
[edit] NTFS-3G by default
Completing a change initially intended to be implemented in Mandriva Linux 2008, this pre-release should use the NTFS-3G system for accessing NTFS partitions by default in all cases, thus allowing these partitions to be written to.
[edit] Enhancements to Mandriva software management tool
The Mandriva graphical software management tool, rpmdrake, has received extensive improvements in this pre-release. As well as fixing several bugs and making several interface improvements related to the new XML-based metadata system introduced in Beta 1, several new features have been introduced. A new display filter has been introduced allowing you to browse only metapackages. When rpmdrake displays a message to show which packages will be installed, it now also shows the total size of these packages. When viewing the details for a package for which a newer version is available, the parts of the changelog between the installed version of the package and the newer version available are shown in italics, making it easy to see exactly what changes have been made.
[edit] Major changes to mkinitrd initramfs
This pre-release introduces mkinitrd 6.0.28, which is a major update. Many patches were modified and several were dropped. Please report any problems likely to have been caused by this change (issues related to initial boot and fixed drives which did not happen with Beta 1 are likely to be related), with full details of your system's hardware.
[edit] Availability
This pre-release is available:
- as a Free edition for the x86-32 and x86-64 architectures, on one DVD or on three CDs, with a traditional installer
- as a One (KDE-based) and One (GNOME-based) combined live / install CD edition, for the x86-32 architecture
The images are available from the following mirrors:
- ftp://carroll.cac.psu.edu/pub/linux/distributions/mandrivalinux/devel/iso/2008.1
- ftp://distrib-coffee.ipsl.jussieu.fr/pub/linux/MandrivaLinux/devel/iso/2008.1
- ftp://mandriva.c3sl.ufpr.br/MandrivaLinux/devel/iso/2008.1
- ftp://mandrivauser.cz/Mandrivalinux/devel/iso/2008.1
- ftp://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/os/Linux/distr/Mandrakelinux/devel/iso/2008.1
- http://ftp.nluug.nl/ftp/pub/os/Linux/distr/Mandrakelinux/devel/iso/2008.1
- http://www.gtlib.cc.gatech.edu/pub/mandrake/devel/iso/2008.1
- ftp://ftp.free.fr/mirrors/ftp.mandriva.com/MandrivaLinux/devel/iso/2008.1
- http://distrib-coffee.ipsl.jussieu.fr/pub/linux/MandrivaLinux/devel/iso/2008.1
- ftp://ftp.join.uni-muenster.de/pub/linux/distributions/mandrakelinux/devel/iso/2008.1
- http://gd.tuwien.ac.at/pub/linux/Mandrakelinux/devel/iso/2008.1
- ftp://ftp.lip6.fr/pub/linux/distributions/Mandrakelinux/devel/iso/2008.1
- http://ftp.sh.cvut.cz/MIRRORS/mandriva/devel/iso/2008.1/beta2/
- ftp://mirror.fis.unb.br/pub/linux/Mandrakelinux/devel/iso/2008.1
- ftp://ftp.surfnet.nl/pub/os/Linux/distr/Mandrakelinux/devel/iso/2008.1
- http://ftp.surfnet.nl/ftp/pub/os/Linux/distr/Mandrakelinux/devel/iso/2008.1
- ftp://bo.mirror.garr.it/pub/mirrors/Mandrake/devel/iso/2008.1
- ftp://ftp.gtlib.cc.gatech.edu/pub/mandrake/devel/iso/2008.1
- http://mandriva.dcc.fc.up.pt/devel/iso/2008.1
- ftp://ftp.heanet.ie/pub/mandrake/Mandrakelinux/devel/iso/2008.1
- ftp://ftp.nara.wide.ad.jp/pub/Linux/Mandrakelinux/devel/iso/2008.1
- http://gulus.usherbrooke.ca/pub/distro/Mandrakelinux/devel/iso/2008.1
- ftp://ftp.ps.pl/mirrors/mandrake/devel/iso/2008.1
- ftp://sunsite.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/pub/Linux/mandrake/devel/iso/2008.1
- ftp://ftp.tuniv.szczecin.pl/pub/linux/mandrakelinux/devel/iso/2008.1
- ftp://ftp-stud.fht-esslingen.de/pub/Mirrors/Mandrakelinux/devel/iso/2008.1
- ftp://ftp.sunet.se/pub/Linux/distributions/mandrakelinux/devel/iso/2008.1
- http://mirrors.kernel.org/mandrake/Mandrakelinux/devel/iso/2008.1
- ftp://mirrors.kernel.org/mandrake/Mandrakelinux/devel/iso/2008.1
- http://ftp.twaren.net/Linux/Mandrake/devel/iso/2008.1
- ftp://ftp.twaren.net/Linux/Mandrake/devel/iso/2008.1
[edit] Installation
For instructions on writing the ISO files to CD or DVD discs, see Writing CD and DVD images. For installation instructions, see Installing Mandriva Linux.
[edit] Known issues
Known issues are collected on the 2008 Spring Errata page.
[edit] Testing wanted
You are encouraged to test and comment on this pre-release. Feedback should be posted in the form of bug reports to Bugzilla, or if it is not a type of feedback that can be expressed as a bug report, to the Cooker mailing list or to the Mandriva Forums.
- Check that all your hardware is supported. Note that the Free editions of this release candidate only include free software. Proprietary drivers for components which require or can use them - especially for ATI and NVIDIA video cards, Intel Centrino wireless adapters, and HSF modems - are available from the Cooker non-free repository. Follow the instructions at Docs/Basic_tasks/Installing_and_removing_software#Making_more_applications_available to configure this and other repositories. It should be noted that if you continue to use these repositories after the release of Mandriva Linux 2008, you will then be following the development of the next release of Mandriva Linux. If you wish to follow development of 2008.1 and then remain with a 2008.1 system, you must change your repositories at the time 2008 Spring is released.
- Test the recognition of other distributions and the NTFS-3G support that have been added to this release, as discussed above.
- If you had problems with sound support on Mandriva Linux 2008 or earlier pre-releases of Mandriva Linux 2008 Spring, please try this pre-release and see if they have now been resolved.
- See if the support for multimedia keys works on your system, and if not, please report this.
- Check that PulseAudio detects all your sound devices and that you can play sound from all applications with no problems.
- Test hibernation functionality, both on laptops and desktops.
- Report any missing or unwanted software. Please take care to see if these issues have already been filed.
For help on reporting bugs, consult our general guidelines on Development/Howto/Bugzilla.